More than half a year later...

Amy's second year has already started at the college. Everything was normal and going good. Nobody was having trouble regarding anything. Their schedules were packed. Amy was right now sitting in her living room, completing some assignment and Archie and Ed were in some deep discussion, while Steph was busy with his phone.

Amy completed her work, got up and stretched. She said exhausted,"Ha! At last its done. Anybody fancy a coffee?" Ed and Steph just hummed and Archie said,"Yeah with some light snacks please. I'm starving." She walked up to the couch where Archie and Ed were sitting and placed a small kiss on his lips, then went to the kitchen saying,"On its way."

Some minutes later when she was returning with a tray in her hand, she heard the doorbell. Archie said,"I'll get it" and stood up. Amy handed him the tray then said,"No! I'll get it." Archie huffed and Amy went to open the door.

As soon as she opened the door, she was tackled in a hug. Em said,"Oh my God! I missed you so much. It seemed like forever." Amy laughed and patted her back saying,"I missed you too Em." They broke the hug and both of them and Dray went to the living room where the others were sitting.

They all hugged the both of them. When they all finally settled down, Amy said,"What a pleasant surprise, Em. I though you wouldn't be returning until tomorrow morning."

Em replied,"Ah! Guess, the traffic was in our favour and also we started the road trip a little early as we had finished the shooting earlier. I missed home so much and I had so many things to tell you but that'll happen after I take a shower and get changed." Amy chuckled and said,"Go ahead! I'll be waiting."

Before leaving Em took a sip from Ed's cup and he glared at her. Em smiled innocently and said,"Come on sweetie. It was just one sip." Ed just rolled his eyes.

After a bit of chit-chat and how the shooting went, they all left as it was already night time but Em stayed over. They were now sitting on Amy's bed and Em said,"And you know, Paul was in town so he came to meet me after the shoot was over." Amy replied listening intently,"Oh! Good." Em joked,"and we joked about your boyfriend and had a good laugh." Amy said,"Oi! You can't talk about him like that." Em laughed out loud then said,"Guess what! Paul asked me out for dinner." Amy smiled knowingly and said,"About time he did that. He has been bugging me for months."

Em looked at her perplexed so Amy continued,"He has a crush on you." Amy giggled while Em narrowed her eyes at her, blushing. Amy said,"I do hope you said yes. I literally used to get a 100 messages asking about you from him daily. It was exhausting." Em blushed more and punched Amy lightly on her arm and said,"Shove off!" Amy laughed more at that. Talking and giggling they both went to sleep.

A few days later they were sitting around on the couch in the living room of Amy's apartment. Archie said,"The next is me right. What's the date?" Amy checked the schedule and said,"Ya! Its you. Next week. Your flight will take off at Friday night and you'll be returning on Sunday night." Em asked,"Which show is it?" Archie replied,"Just a guest appearance for a music show. It's their semi finale." Em said,"Ooh! Interesting."

Just then the doorbell rang. All of them looked at each other. Amy said,"I'll get that." They weren't expecting anyone and also it was a Friday night. Amy opened the door and the person standing in front of her was someone she least expected to see. After a while she said,"Lewis."