A few years later.

They all were sitting in their new home. Not so new, but yeah, new for us, readers. Em and Paul were getting married soon. Em said,"Do you really have to go Dray, I know this is our last holiday but still." She pouted and Dray said,"You know Em, I have to but I do promise to return before the wedding." "If you aren't gonna be there, I won't marry." Paul said,"Wait... what? Dude please do return before the wedding." They all laughed at Paul's terrified face.

It was their last holiday and after they return, they would get back for the last time. Yes, they'll disband but it doesn't mean they won't stay together. Archie had cleared all the issues with his father and he would take up the company after his dad. Amy had agreed to help him run the company. The others had agreed upon opening an academy for those who wanted to enter in the entertainment business. They all will be partners including Archie. He couldn't leave his friends alone. Never.

They had 2 months holiday planned. Em and Paul were getting married in 2 weeks after the start of their vacation. So, they were right now planning their wedding. Well, Archie and Amy are all same. You'll know more later. Dray, as you read, is planning to go back to his hometown because he has 'something to do'. Steph is engaged to the girl whom he met a while ago. He didn't loose any time and proposed her. Steph and Nicole had agreed to get married after they'll officially disband. As for Ed, he is married. But in their relationship, Rihanna was the one who proposed to Eddie. Things worked out great between them and they got married. Let's go back to the story, shall we?

Draco's flight was scheduled to leave in a few hours. He left for the airport after biding his friends with a see you later. Only Steph knew what was that 'something' that he had to do. Draco was excited to meet his childhood friend Jamie, after a very long time. They were connected over phones but its different, you know. Jamie has kept her promise to wait for Dray as long as it took. He knew, even though he practiced what he had to say, many times in his head, he'll stutter and won't be able to say it all.

After checking in at a hotel, Draco called her,"Hey Jamie."

"Oh! Hey Dray. You landed already?"

"I did. So, when do you wanna meet?"

"Umm.. whenever you are comfortable."

"How about right now?"

"Right now? Are you sure? Aren't you tired from the flight?"

"Actually I'm not! So, what say?"

"Ok then. Should I come over to yours."

"If you are ok with it, then yeah, Sure!"

He told her the name of the hotel and his room number then hung up. When Jamie reached there, they chatted for a bit then they decided to reminniscence their past in the town and so they went on their way.

Draco had planned to propose her in the same place where they agreed to wait for each other when Dray was leaving and that place was the backyard of Jamie's home. It was already 5 in the evening and Jamie's mother had invited Draco for dinner. So while waiting for the dinner to get ready, Jamie took Draco to the backyard. She said facing in the opposite direction of him,"You remember Dray, when you left, this was the spot where we promised each other to wait. We have so many memories in this place. When we were kids, we used to play whole day long here. We never thought we'll be able to live without each other for even a day and now, we spent years without even seeing each other. I'm really glad to see you after so long." And she turned around to look at Dray but the sight rendered her speechless.

Dray was kneeling down on one knee with the biggest smile ever on his face and with a ring box in his hands. Jamie said,"D.. Dray?"

Draco took a deep breath and said,"Jamie, you know me the best and you do know, I'm a very straightforward kind of guy. I don't know any riddles and poem but I do know that I love you and nobody can ever change that. When nobody in my family supported my music career, you did. You believed in me, thank you for that. Thank you for keeping your promise and I remember, I also made a promise of marrying you when we'll get older and so now is the time for me to fulfil that promise. You don't need to wait any longer. Jamie, will you marry me?"

Even though it wasn't a very grand proposal but the words were enough for Jamie. As a tear slipped down her eyes, she said,"Yes, YES!YES!YES!" Draco got up and spun Jamie around in his arms. As he put her down on the ground again, he kissed her. There was only love and nothing else in that kiss. Breaking apart, both grinned at each other and Draco slipped the silver band in Jamie's ring finger.

Both Jamie's parents were happy for the both of them. They congratulated them and gave them their blessings. They celebrated the night with a few drinks and a very tasty dinner prepared by her mom. Everyone insisted Dray to stay the night so he couldn't say no.

In the night they both sat at the terrace gazing the beautiful stars and moon in the sky. Draco said as they both cuddled into each other,"Jamie, I'll be going back in a few days." He paused for her response so she hummed then he continued,"My friends Em and Paul are getting married in 2 weeks. I think I should give them a hand in all the preparations."

"Yeah, you should  and you've told me about the wedding a million times."

"I know but I wanted to ask you something."

"Go ahead, I'm all ears." She said, sitting up and looking him in the eyes. He also sat up and said,"Uh! If you don't mind, I would love it if you'll come with me. I... you.. you could meet my friends, get to know them. They don't know about you... yet. Only if you agree. I ain't forcing you.

She chuckled then said,"Can't you directly ask me to move in with you? You know I would never say no!"

He laughed nervously then said,"You do know me the best."

That's how the day ended. A day or two later both Jamie and Draco departed to start their new life.

Wedding preparations are hectic but not when you have great friends around you. Everybody invited had arrived and the wedding took place. It was a small wedding with only close friends and a few family members, as demanded by Em and agreed by Paul. That guy was whipped for her.

Their wedding took place in a church. Nobody would have thoughy that Em's wedding could be so typical and guess we were all wrong. Amy was her maid of honour and Nicole and Jamie were appointed as her bride's maid whereas unexpectedly Archie was Paul's best man and Steph and Draco, his groomsmen.

After the wedding, the wedding party took place at Em's favorite hotel. People danced and enjoyed the evening. All of a sudden the lights went out. At that time Amy was standing beside Em. Everybody started getting worried and then somebody said in the mic,"Calm down, guys." They all looked towards the stage where Archie was standing and the source of light was casted upon him. He said,"I'm sorry for making you guys worried but I need to say a few words. Thank you Em for not murdering me when I asked for the spot light." In the dimly lit room Em laughed then winked in Archie's direction. He continued, "So, a few years back I made a promise to you that I'll officially make you mine, Amy. I think its the right time now. If you would please come on the stage and join me." He smiled in her direction. Amy could feel the blush creeping up her skin. Em nudged her and said,"Go."

She slowly and hesitantly made her way towards Archie as the people around them cleared the path for her. As soon as she was in front of Archie, the lights came. He said,"When I gave her this promise ring" he lifted her hand and caressed her knuckles, "I told her that I'll propose her for marriage in front of everyone. 'Cause I always did it in secret." Everybody laughed at that, then Archie continued, "We have our friends and families here. So today in front of everyone I want to ask you Amy, Will you marry me? You brighten up my day with just a smile of yours. You make me happy by just being by my side, my heart beats a little faster everytime you kiss me. Everything about you is perfect and I can't ask you for anything more. Amy Black, would you do me the honour of being my wife? Would you make me the happiest person alive by accepting me? Would you marry me?"

There was a pause and then everybody started cheering and Amy looked in Archie's sincere eyes, smiled and said,"Yes!'' Just one word and the room filled with hooting, claps and cheering. Everybody came up and congratulated the couple on by one.

Em said,"I forgive you chi for taking my spot light on my wedding day."

Archie laughed and said,"Thank you."

She hugged the couple tightly in her embrace and said,"I want a grand wedding for you both. Congratulations!"

The day ended with happiness and love in the air. The next few days passed in deciding the date and venue. They decided to hold their wedding before the next month of their holidays began. They decided the venue to be the open countryside.

5 days before the wedding....

Em's voice boomed in the house,"Yo! Rise and shine lovely people. We have shopping to do." Amy came out of her and Archie's room, rubbing her eyes sleepily. She asked,"What's the time, Em?" And yawned loudly.

"It's already 10 in the morning and we have an appointment of 11:30 today."

"SHIT! It's 10" and Amy ran off to get ready.

One by one they all got out of their rooms, ready for the day. Archie had told Amy to do all the preparations, whatever way she likes. Amy said,"Alright girls. Time to leave." She turned to Archie, pecked him on the lips and said,"See you at the cake shop by one. Be there on time". "Wouldn't miss that for the world!" Came his reply which made Amy blush.

At the dress shop, Amy was exhausted after trying maybe 100s of dresses, at least it felt like it. She said,"So, which one do you like out of these 3." She had picked 3 dresses of her liking. Em said,"I guess this one." She pointed towards the strapless dress in which the top part was fully embroided but the skirt was plain. It was of an off-white colour. She continued, "You looked like a princess in it with that veil and tiara." Amy said to the shop assistant, "This one please." She chose it because everbody had agreed with Em. Their next destination was the cake shop, where they were meeting the boys because Amy wanted to choose the flavour and design of the cake with Archie and then the flowers and decoration was the next stop. They were quite busy as their schedules were packed with the preparation of the wedding.

1 day before the wedding....

Amy whined yet again,"Do we really have to do this guys? I'm really very tired."

Em sighed yet again and said,"Stop whinning alright. Bachelorette party is a must. You are getting married tomorrow."

Nicole said,"Come on Amy. It's gonna be so much fun."

Jamie,"Yeah! Just like Em's. Remember?"

Rihanna,"Oh plz. We won't repeat that again. We all were literally wasted and almost missed the wedding. Still we gotta have this party Amy, please."

Even after all of Amy's whinning of being tired, she was dragged to the party. On the other hand, Archie, with all the boys was fully enjoying his bachelor party.

The wedding day...

Amy,"Can you believe it? I'm getting married today!! I'm hyperventilating. HeLP!!"

Em,"Ok! Amy calm down."

When she didn't calm down, they looked at each other and sighed. Em slapped Amy who at last stopped hyperventilating.

Amy,"Ow! What was that for?"

Em,"Sorry sweetie. Somebody had to bring you back on the planet earth so that you can attend your own wedding." Amy pouted and everybody chuckled.

Nicole,"Alright, I guess me, Jamie and Em should get ready. Then after we comeback we all will help you in getting ready. "

Just like Em's wedding Nicole and Jamie were the bridesmaid and Em was the maid of honour. For the boys, Archie chose Eddie as his best man and the others were groomsmen.

Amy got ready and she looked just like a princess. Her hair was made up in a slightly messy bun but it suited her. She wore very light makeup but a deep red lipstick. She was wearing her promise ring in her ring finger and a beaded bresclet in the other hand. Long dangling earring which matched her dress. She was waiting for her brother who was gonna walk her down the aisle.

Lewis approached her and all the girls left her to either take her seats or stand at their positions. Lewis hugged her and said,"I'm so proud of where you have come lil' raven. I love you." Fighting back her tears so as not to smudge her makeup, Amy replied,"I love you too brother.. soo much." Taking her hand in his, Lewis walked her down the aisle. All the nervousness was surfacing so Amy clutched Lewis 's hand more tightly. A sweet and romantic melody started playing in the background signalling the arrival of the bride and everybody got up their seats. In the first and second rows all their friends and Archie's family were sitting who looked up and gave big smiles in Amy's direction. Amy took a deep breath in and looked straight up at Archie who was looking dashing in his white three piece tuxedo. He grinned from ear to ear at her sight. Reaching the arbor Lewis put Amy's hand in Archie's stretched ones and said,"Take good care of my raven." Archie smiled and nodded. Giving a Peck on her cheeks, Lewis took his seat in the front row.

They stood in front of each other and everybody took their seats. The father said,"We all are gathered here today to witness the bonding ceremony of Ms. Amy Black and Mr. Archie Angelo. Before you proceed with you prepared vows, I would like to say a few words. Marriage is a lifetime contract which binds not only two bodies and their hearts but also their souls. After today every step that any of you two will take will affect the other person in some aspect. You both will have to stay strong for the other and respect each other. You will be bound together forever and ever. You may now proceed with your prepared vows. Mr. Angelo, if you may!"

He took a deep breath and began,"Amy, where do I even begin? You came in my life when nothing was alright. You made me realise what I really want with my life. If I'm here today then its only because of you. Today, in front of all our friends and families, I promise to there by your side in your ups and downs. I'll try my best everyday to make you feel like the happiest girl alive and also I'll make sure that you smile never leave your lips. I promise that I'll keep coming back to you again and again no matter what the problem is and I will neither leave you nor let you leave me because you are my home. You belong by my side and I belong by yours. I promise to carry out all my duties with full sincerity and love as long as we both shall live. I love you."

Everybody clapped and when it died down father asked Amy to proceed with her vows. She smiled at Archie, took a deep breath, then began,"Archie, today in front of all the people gathered here to witness this special day of our life, I promise to you that I'll always be there in your victories and defeats and just like you brought light into my life, which was full of darkness, I'll be your light and will always guide you towards the right path always. Even though after today we'll be husband and wife but always remember I'm first of all your best friend and will remain so. I'll be with you in sickness and health, in rich and poor, I'll be your strength and not your weakness. I'll always respect your decisions. I'll be there to pick you up if you ever fell. I'll cherish you and our love everyday. I'll be yours forever and ever, I promise, till death do us apart. I love you."

Everybody clapped again and cheered and as it died down father said,"Is there anyone who is against this marriage? If so, then speak now or shall remain silent for the rest of your life." A few moments passed the father said," Very well, exchange your rings." They did so and claps and hooting could be heard all around.

As soon as the voices died down, father said,"Do you Mr. Archie Angelo take, Ms. Amy Black as your beloved wife?"

Taking both her hands in his and caressing her knuckles lightly with his thumbs Archie smiled and said," I do."

Father,"Do you Ms. Amy Black, take this man, Mr. Archie Angelo to be your beloved husband?"

Amy gave her shy smile and said,"I do."

Father," Now, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Archie said,"Finally!" which made everyone chuckle. He came closer and lifted up her veil. Amy looked up in his eyes and again smiled shyly. Archie put his arms around her and kissed her to which Amy responded happily. The place erupted in loud cheers and claps. The ceremony ended and now they had to move to the hall where the wedding part was gonn take place but before that Amy had to do the last ceremony. She threw her bouquet and it landed in Jamie's arms, who blushed profusely. Even Draco got flustered.

In the hall, the first dance was to be performed by the newly wedded couple so Archie and Amy lost themselves in the music and in each other's embrace. After that Archie danced with her mom and Amy with Archie's dad. Christian said,"Amy, I always wanted to thank you for what you did for Archie."

Amy,"That's not needed Mr. Angelo."

Christian smiled and said,"Dad! Call me dad."

Amy gave him a big grin and said,"So, dad whatever I did, it was all for family so don't thank me or I'll feel bad."

Christian shook his head but still smiled.

After that Amy and Archie found each other again and danced to the slow beat, Amy's hands around his neck and Archie's hand snuggled around her waist. Archie asked, "What was dad saying to you?"

"Nothing much."

"Come on tell me Amy."

"Well, dad was thanking me."

As soon as he heard the word 'dad' he grinned to which Amy said smirking mischievously," Why, Mr. Angelo, you look happy."

"I'm always happy when I'm with you Mrs. Angelo."

She blushed and gave him the shy smile again hitting his chest playfully.

"You are such a sweet talker, chi."

"I have charms, wifey."

They both smiled and kissed each other. Finally they got their happily ever after.

THE END!!!!!!!