A Strange Path

"I wish I was Harry Potter in an alternate universe.",said Sergio curiously,as they were on there way back home from school.

"Although you look like Draco Malfoy",said Leo, giggling. "You think he is correct,Serg?I mean it could just be a theory."

"I hope it's not."

"By the way,wanna go visit the State Park?",asked Leo.


" Tomorrow"

"We can take someone with us,you know." "Who?"

"How about Emma?",asked Sergio, giggling. "Oh,come on Serg",snapped Leo,going red. "We can take Brian if you want."

"Good idea,he can tell us about what mystery the Canyon hides."

"Yeah,sure a mystery with adventure",said Leo smiling.

               It was a fine Sunday morning. Leo woke up at 8,took a bath,and excitedly prepared for the trip.

"Going Mom!", exclaimed Leo in a hurry.

"All prepared honey? Have fun. And be careful", his mom said with a somewhat stern look.

"Of course he will mom, are you taking your girlfriend with you Leo? What was her name, ummm,yes,Emma Shey!",said his older sister,Nancy with a giggle.

"She isn't my girlfriend! And she certainly isn't coming!", exclaimed Leo,going red again.

"I know she rejected you,how couldn't she? Imagine if she would have said yes! But that wouldn't happen in any possible alternate universe!"

"Shut up Nancy!"

"Just telling the truth Mum!"

"Have fun honey,bye",said his mom,as he left his house.

He met Sergio and Brian on the way to the Park.

"Going on an adventure!", exclaimed Sergio happily.

"Did you know that the Great Canyon has several fossils?",said Brian. "I hope ours is as exciting." They walked up to the State Park, watching it's beauty and gasping. Soon,they were at the camping site. There were only a few people there,lesser than usual. Leo,Serg and Brian decided to stay away from the people and camp peacefully. They started having the sandwiches and cold drinks below the beautiful green trees. After eating,they started playing Badminton,which each of them were a fan of.

"Smash!", exclaimed Sergio and hit the shuttle hard.

"What about fossils?",asked Brian,looking concerned.

"What,we should search for them or something? I don't plan to do that.",said Leo and hit the shuttle hard and it went flying past them into the bushes. "Find it or we'll lose it!"

Leo was trying for a trace of the white shuttle. He saw it in the bush and tried to reach it. As he spread his hands and moved forward,he suddenly fell in a pit that seemed to come out of nowhere. "Aaaaaarrgghhhhh!!",he shouted hard.

It felt as if he was being pushed into a pipe he couldn't fit in. He heard screams,weird noises that were breaking and echoing. He kept falling and felt like being pushed even harder,his body was aching. He felt like he changed directions several times. Suddenly,he felt a cold ground below him and fainted.