Unwelcome homecoming

The last few days of the journey were some of the worse. Me and the others were constantly watched and the crew were afraid of us even after we fixed their ship and hailed the crew members that we could.it almost made me want to swim the rest of the way but I fear that what waits for us when we get back is going to be far worse.

It was finally the last day as we approached the busy river of the capital ,we were gone so long I forgot how much this place stank from the smell of smoke from the massive factories to the waste from the sewers.

The gallon made port, me and hailey were the first off, I had enough of sea life but hailey could not wait. I suppose it would have been more fun if you got to sail, I thought to myself, Max and Master Ketia were last off. They liked me and looked as if they will never sail again.

Master Ketia, Max and I were trailing behind Hailey (she had no bags to carry) as we all rushed to our home. When we got there, it was unbelievably bad. Several of the houses to each side were rumble along with our own. I rushed through the rumble.

"Master "




I shouted while brushing debris from side to side." Over here" shouted Lilly from a tent a few feet behind where the house used to be. Lilly's face was cut, and her arm was in a sling. I ran here fearing the worst.

"wears My master and the others," I asked a small tear to fell from my cheek.

"They are in the tent" , sounding tired Lilly led me into the tent the others had caught up. My master was lying there propped up by my three big pillows and a smile on his face" about time lad". I told him everything.

"I knew it" he scratches his beard which was down to his chest by now.

"You know," I answered in surprise.

"Yes, crazy they told me when I took you in," he said, beaming at me.

A thought just struck me "our house doesn't have a name like the others because we were adopted like family".

"Well yeah I adopted you as master Ketia adopted Max didn't you know this? He gave out a short chuckle, me and April who was on the other side of him gave each an awkward look at each other and chuckled with him.

The moment of joy left as I seen Akikio. She was laying their eyes closed with tubes in here arms and a breathing mask on her face. Lily was holding Akiko's hand. I asked what happened even though I already guessed. But the truth was worst. The houses to the sides exploded first as the head mistress went to check the commotion sir burke with his officers from the division of non-human terrorism opened fire. Then this large bat humanoid tore through the entire house. The only reason we were all alive was Akikio formed a shield around them as Lilly shot an immensely powerful wave destroying the house and putting out the fires. The humanoid bat creature flashed the stone of choosing at us and flew away.

I took all this in and Then asked what our next step is to defeat Taven and Lucifryia. My master told me that we cannot beat Lucifryia only slow her town, he went on to say only me and Hailey are strong enough for the journey to the ancient summit. He ended with the ruins in valentine will be our new home it getting to dangerous here.

"I want to come too" April said with sheer determination

No "you're a scholar u can't handle it" My master said caringly.

Lilly got up, walked over from Akiko's side and walked over until April threw her arms around her as the tent swirled with blue and white light. She's a hunter now I'm done with being a hunter" Lilly said looking at Akiko with worry.

After a few minutes of begging her dad April got her wish. "but I can't go I'm just apprentice how I'm I supposed to take on a dark lord"

My master laughed so hard I thought the tent would collapse" my boy you're a demigod your not my apprentice no more" he paused went he seen the sadness on my face " but ill always be here to guide you son" he said now a tear was down his check into his Gray beard. I gave him a massive hug.

" wait why can't you go with us" I pondered as he explained that he had to escort the girls and he showed me his new artificial leg as Taven ripped it off just before the shield went up. A few days passed Akiko finally awoke Lilly and they kissed without caring who they saw as by now people came to the tents showing their support and some fewer friendly people.

On the final night before we parted ways the emperor came to thank us for our work for the empire and cleared all debts and wished us all the best, all the while looking around like he was being watched. That night was one of the best after playing games with the others and Hailey went up the nearest hill.

After hailey conjured a blanket we lay down and looked up at the stars and fell asleep in each other's arms a small fire close to us as it was now the middle of September. The next morning, we said our goodbyes and April, Hailey and I went the opposite way of the others as we headed north.

Hailey was right April's feeling towards her changed once she heard she was an earth witch. We headed north on our horses. The two girls were excited, but I was not. I read about the mountain ranges to the north and they were extremely dangerous.