
" Why would I be shameless when I'm fighting for someone I love, is it my faults to love you, is it wrong to fall in love with you " cried Yoonso.

"You don't always get what you want, and you can't force someone to love you, Yoonso I only took you as friend back than and still now but you know what I don't even want to have any relationship between is now, I don't love you ,that's it, its over "said Jungkook.

" Did you ask me to come here just to humiliate me ,Jungkook how can you be this cruel to me " ask Yoonso.

" if you call this cruel than you're wrong because I can be more cruel than this " said Jungkook.

"It's your fault y/n , why did you have to appear in his life again, I should have killed you instead " said Yoonso looking at you murderously.

"Shut up Yoonso it's over now, you can go back to your home " said Jungkook and dragged you outside to his car.

" I'll drive you home " said Jungkook but you stop him.

"It's fine I can go myself, you should go back inside and take her home, she's new here " you said.

"Why are you so kind? she deserve it y/n" complain Jungkook.

" I'm angry at her for whatever she did, but I also understand her, you should go back and take her home " you said and smile at him.

" But why do you never told me about it, why did you hide it from me" ask Jungkook.

" let's forget about it " you said but Jungkook suddenly pulled you and hugged you.

"What are you doing? " you ask

" I'm sorry again " said Jungkook.


*Jungkook"s house *

" You can't just end our relationship like that Jungkook " yelled Yoonso and grabbed jungkooks hand.

"What relation are you talking about , we didn't had any relation from the beginning " said Jungkook and Yoonso cried more.

" No Jungkook please I love you so much, I can't live without you " said Yoonso never giving up.

" I booked a ticket for the flight tomorrow already you can go back " said Jungkook.

"But Jungk..." said Yoonso her phone ringing cut her off.

She looked at the screen and saw it was her father calling. she wiped her tears and picked the call. But the moment she picked her father yelled through the phone.

" What are you doing there still? what have you done to our company, I thought you went there to talk about business but what did you do, you've bring us down "

" What are you talking about dad, I..I Don't understand " stutter Yoonso with confused look.

" Tell me why did Jeon company withdrew their investment? " said Yoonso's dad.

"What? " Yoonso was shocked and he look at Jungkook.

" don't comeback home untill you negotiate with them to invest again, you know our company will go down if they don't invest " said Yoonso's dad and hang up the call.

" Did you withdrew the investment because of me " ask Yoonso and Jungkook nodded.

" I told you I'm not kind, I'm very cruel person" said Jungkook and Yoonso fall down on her knees.

"Please Jungkook you already broke my heart and humiliated me, please don't ruin my Dad's company please Jungkook, I will do as you say, I will go back and never see you so please " cried Yoonso.

" Are you sure you will do as I say? " ask Jungkook and Yoonso nodded.

"Go and apologize to y/n ,if she forgive you than I'll invest if not than I'm sorry " said Jungkook.

"Apologize? " said Yoonso and clenched her fist.

"If you don't want than fine" said Jungkook.

" Okay I'll do it I'll apologize " said Yoonso.


You sat on the sofa and kept on thinking how Jungkook knew it was Yoonso .

Though you didn't wanted him to know at the beginning now that he knew for some reason You felt so relief like someone just removed heavy burden on your shoulder.

" Though the lie become truth and the truth becomes lie, at the end the truth is truth ,everybody will know the truth" you said and sigh heavily.

You stood up and pour the water on the glass when someone knocked your door.

"Who is it? " you said to yourself and walk to the door and opened it. You were surprised to see Yoonso standing at your door with red and swollen eyes.

"Yoonso, what are you doing here " you ask and she fall down on her knees making you step back.

" What... what are you doing? " you said and pulled her up.

" I'm sorry y/n , I realise that whatever I did was wrong back than and I'm so sorry, please forgive me and help me . Y/n please forgive if you don't forgive me than my dad's company will be ruined please y/n please " said Yoonso

"What do you mean your dad's company will be ruined " you ask.

" Jungkook withdrew their investment because of me and he said if you forgive me he will invest again " said Yoonso looking so panic.

" What is wrong with him? " you said when Jungkook came behind Yoonso.

"nothing is wrong with me, so did you forgave her" ask Jungkook

" Stop it Jungkook, I forgave her already " you said .

"I knew it " said Jungkook.

"Will you invest again? " ask Yoonso and Jungkook nodded.

" Since she forgave you ,I will " said Jungkook.

" I'm keeping the car here come and pick me up tomorrow morning " said Jungkook and handed the key to you.

" What? why would I do that" You said

"Oh yes, why would you do that, I should be the one instead because I'm Courting you" said Jungkook and took back the key from you and wink at you before getting inside TEH car making you speechless.