
I Have What?!

I wake up early make the bed and take a shower. Thankfully they dropped my bag in here so I had something to sleep in and to wear today.

"You up?!" I hear a knock on my door.

"Yea just a minute!" I answer. I toss on a tank top and go to the door. "Morning Xander." I say as I open it.

"Morning Mini... you know it's funny" he says flopping on the bed. " you don't like me calling you little but you are ok with a whole pack calling you Mini... its funny."

"My pack doesn't use the name to mock me." I say.

"Nither do I." He starts rolling around in the bed and I can't help but laugh.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Keeping my scent fresh." He says grinning as he wallows around. "Its supposed to help your wolf... smelling me... it seems to keep her active."

"Well you look ridiculous!" I laugh.

"And it's all for you so don't make fun of me!" He says hugging a pillow. "Come on!" He jumps up and throws the pillow back on the bed.

"You know I just made that!" I yell at him.

"It'll be alright!" he says leaving.

"You pig!" I insult him. He turns around.

"I thought we covered this. I'm not a baboon and I'm certainly not a pig the word you're looking for is wolf!" He says coming as close as he can without touching me then turns and walks out.

"I think I was looking for a few other words." I whisper under my breath.

"Heard that! Now come on Doc is waiting!" Xander calls from the hall. I rush after him.

I'm actually excited. I never thought I'd get any answers. My doctor back home said once the silver clears I should be fine but that hasn't happened yet. There has to be more to this.

"There you are!" The doc says as we enter the medical ward. "Come on I got time at the human hospital to use the scanner... if we don't hurry we will miss the appointment." She pushes me out the door and Xander follows.

We pile into a car and the doctor drives us to the hospital in the city.

"Ohhh Starbucks! Coffee! coffee! coffee!" I yell when I see the green sign.

"Come on Doc pit stop?" Xander asks. The doctor rolls her eyes but agrees.

"If we miss this opportunity it's on you young Alpha!" She says pulling into the drive through.

"Thanks Doc!" I call to her from the back seat. She just grumbles and gets us back on track.

We get to the hospital in time thanks to the schedule getting backed up. We actually still had to wait a half hour to get in.

"What will this tell you? I ask the doctor as we finally get in.

"Well..." she says. "Its hard to say... it will tell us just about everything in your body... not like magic or anything and alot of diagnosis can be missed on this but it will point out any foreign material inside of you."

"So you think there is something inside me causing this?" I ask

"Did your other doctor even check?" She asks.

"No he said it would fix itself in time... we don't use human hospitals." I tell her.

"Old farts living in the stone age... he is right if all they did is feed you drugs intravenously it should have worn off years ago. But if they implanted something... well it could still be poisoning you." She says

"Let's do this then!" I lay back on the table and the doctor and Xander leave.

"Stay still." Doc orders me and I do my best.

It takes forever and as soon as she told me not to move my nose started to itch.

"Ok you can get up now." Doc says reentering the room.

"What's up?" I can tell by her face she found something.

"Well... you seem to have some kind of small something implanted throughout your body." Doc says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Let's get you home and find out." Doc answers.

The trip back was quiet. How is this possible? What are they? How could they be in my body without me knowing for so long?

"It will be okay." Xander links. I can feel his worry and fear adding to my own.

"Your words contradict your emotions." I respond.

"Maybe but it's still true... I am worried... I care about you... but I also choose to believe that you will be okay." He links. I see him take a deep breath beside me. "I just wish I could hold you and comfort you like a mate should."

"You know... you aren't as bad as I originally thought... I still don't know if you're telling me the truth about us being true mates or if I even like you but... I think you might be an alright guy." I tell him. He smiles at me.

"You like me...even without your wolf you liiiikkkke me!" He links laughing.

"Well now I know I don't!" I look away from him and focus on the passing cars.

"Liar!" He whispers leaning over to me then focuses on his own window.

Stupid emotional link!

"Let's find out what's going on with you." Doc says leading me to the medical ward. I sit on a bed and Doc comes over with a scalpel.

"Let's have a look." She says numbing my shoulder she makes a small cut and uses tweezers to dig around pulling out a small silver thing about the size of a pill. The doctor goes over to the sink and washes the capsule.

"Interesting..." she says looking at it under a microscope. "It seems to be a device for distributing medicine... this one is empty... although silver doesn't help you any."

"How many of these things do I have in me?" I ask.

"23 left." Doc says looking at the scan. "Some may still have what ever they were giving you... that could help us know more about what they wanted."

"Get them out of me!" I yell.

"Let's take it easy... I'm not a butcher I won't just hack you up... some will be easier to get to than others... let's start with the easy ones and see how it goes." She says.


A few hours later I am laying on the bed in a bra and underwear. We sent Xander out before we got to this point. My healing is much slower than a normal wolf but the more devices removed the faster I heal.

"That's number 18" doc says removing one from my upper thigh. I watch the cut slowly begin to stitch itself back together.

"So where's the next one?" I ask.

"I think were done for today." Doc says.

"NO! We can't be! I can take it come on! I feel amazing! I had forgotten what it feels like to not have an aching pain all over my body... I was in a constant fog that I became so accustomed to I forgot I was in it." I explain. "Please Doc!"

"Its not that... the last few are not as easy to remove... they will require surgery." She says.

"Do it!" I say.

"Tomorrow... I need equipment... a team... I need help... go get dinner and rest up... I'll see you tomorrow bright and early."

I dress and leave. As I exit I find Xander sitting on the floor asleep.

"Wake up." I say pushing him with my foot. Next thing I know I'm flat on my back pinned by him. A shock covers my body and I push him off.

"Sorry" he says standing up. "Wait a second... you didn't pass out!"

I sit on the floor looking up at him my jaw hanging open. What was that! I've never! That feeling!

"Are you okay?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Yea fine!" I say jumping up. "Dinner?"

"Sure." He says looking worried "are you sure you're okay... I mean your heart rate..."

"I'm good let's go!" I jog down the hall making my way to the kitchen.

As we eat Xander just stares at me. I take a drink  and I feel the spark in my hand again and turn to see him with his hand on top of mine. Shocked I pull my hand away.

"You feel it!" He says.

"What?" I ask

"Don't play dumb! You felt it! With most of that crap out of you you felt it!" He is so excited I don't know what to say. I feel something but I don't know what yet.

"I don't know.." I start and he grabs ahold of me. Pulling me close he kisses me. I feel sparks wherever our skin touches. It feels amazing! it's like... "Ahhhhh!" I yell in pain as the buzzing returns attacking me. He let's go and I sit there gripping my head catching my breath.

"Sorry I'm sorry... I... I... are you okay?" He says

"Yea... dizzy... I think I'm gonna go to bed." I answer.

"Oh... okay... let me walk you... I don't want you collapsing." He says as he stands up.

"Really I'm good." I argue.

"It wasn't a request Marie." He answers leading the way.

"Goodnight." He says in front of the door and walks off.

Inside the room I change into PJs and jump in bed. It was the best night's sleep of my life. For some reason I just felt comfortable.