The Soldier

"So why did you take this job?" I asked the soldier carrying me.

"What job?" He asked.

"Taking me to my room," I was starting to get tired.

"You can sleep until the doctor sees you ," He told me.

"I don't even know your name," My words were starting to slur. I never got to hear his answer.

When I came to there were three different people beside my bed. I only recognize the one out of three.

"Hello Miss. Celine. I am Dr. Kelly," The woman in a light blue lab coat told me.

"May I ask why you are at my bedside?" My voice sounds scratchy to my own ears. I didn't want to know what it sounded like to theirs.

"You passed out after the final test," She told me.

I just wanted to see my family and none of these people were my family.

"How are you feeling?" Another person asked. It was the soldier from before. I never go to hear his name.

"May I have some water?" I didn't know how to answer his question.

"I would like to keep you for another thirty minutes to an hour to make sure you are alright.' Dr. Kelly stood and walked to the door. "Please feel free to get up and move but I would like for one of these gentlemen to help you move around at first until you can walk by yourself." She walked out the door and closed it behind her.

"You may go," The soldier told the other man.

"I'm sorry sir but unless I get permission from-." The man stopped talking. "I'm sorry Marked. I'll leave you to it."

I cleared my throat. "May I have some water now?" I was starting to become a but aggravated.

"Yes. Sorry I forgot." He held the cup of water to my lips.

"It's fine. Is Marked really your name?" I asked after taking a sip of water.

He gave me a tight lipped smile. "Do you wanna try to walk?"

"I just want my family," I said.

"You'll see them before the morrow." He stood and held his hand out. "Now let's walk to make sure that happens."

I swung my legs and bed and gasped. There were marking on my legs that weren't there before. "What are these?" I asked Marked.

"Those are your markings. They tell the tribe leaders what your job will be," Marked explained.

"But I never seen any markings on my family," I was confused.

"That's because after ten years they go away," He told me.

"They do?"

"For normal people yes-" He trailed off.

"For normal people?" I prompted.

"But for people like you they don't come off. You'll keep them for the rest of your life," He sat down next to me.

"How do you know this?" I asked through numb lips.

"I just do," He didn't say more and let me sit there thinking about everything he has told me.

When the doctor came in a few hours later I was up and walking by myself.

"It's good to see you up and walking," Dr. Kelly said while walking in. "How do you feel?"

"Better. But I am ready to go see my family," I figured the best option was to be honest with her.

"Well, lets see you walk down the hallway and we will go from there," She looked down at her clipboard with a frown.

"How far down do you want me to go?" I asked walking out the door.

"All the way down and back to me," She said while grabbing a timer.

I turned to start walking down the hall when Marked stood beside me.

"I'm just in case you go to fall." He mumbled under his breath. I just shrugged my shoulders at him and started walking. When I knew we were out of earshot of the doctor I finally asked my question.

"Why must I be able to walk down the hallway and back to see my family? And why is it being timed?" I wanted to feel bad about questioning him about it but something told me the doctor wouldn't answer my questions.

"Those questions will be answered in due time." He put on a smile. "When we turn around smile and pretend to laugh at something I said."

I was confused as to why but didn't question it.

"That's so funny!" I hoped it didn't sound fake.

"I know, right?" He knew his part very good and was trying his best to keep her from realizing I had questions.

When we got back to Dr. Kelly she smiled at me. "You did really good and I am clearing you to go see your family but on one condition" From the look on her face, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to wiggle my way out of this one.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Marked has to go with you," Before I could say anything, she turned and walked away.

"I feel like she could be really fun if she didn't have a stick up her butt." I covered my mouth. I couldn't believe those words came out of my mouth. I turn and look at Marked but found him laughing.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't help but laugh for two reasons. The first, the look on our face was hilourse. And the second reason is that I can definitely see what you mean," He was still laughing as he explained it to me.

"Well, I doubt there is any way I can ditch you to visit my family so let's go. They're about to be sitting down for dinner." I looked both ways down the hallway. Realizing that I didn't know which way to go.

"Yeah and from the looks of it you don't know how to get out of the building." It wasn't a question. He was certain I didn't know where I was going.

"I'm gonna say right because Dr. Kelly turned left." I looked up at him. "Am I wrong?"

"Actually yes." I couldn't believe him on that.

"I don't believe you,"

"Well, you can turn right and go deeper into the hospital or you can go left and leave the building." He explained.

"Fine. Lets go left but if it's a long way then you are going to carry me to my home."

"It's not your home anymore." Marked said darkly.

"I believe it will always be my home." I shot back at him.

"You will understand when the time comes." Before I could say anything else he walked away.

After a few minutes I knew with how fast he was walking that I wouldn't be able to catch up to him.