4 Chapter

"Atreus, the eldest of the Jedi wishes to meet with you." Yoda says through the first contact droid, after a greeting and an offering of fruit. It's been two weeks since the tour of the temple and I have been given the freedom to roam through all public areas during that time, constantly trailed by the first contact droid which also had been programmed to act as a tour guide if asked.

It likely reports onwards what I do as well, but I don't mind. I have also been relocated from the meditation room to a guestroom scaled for big species. Most of the furniture had to be replaced or removed, but it's comfortable enough.

I blink at him before nodding "The khans of the Jedi. I will answer their questions."

Yoda hmms. "You assume we have questions?" and I snort in response.

"I have questions, so you should as well. I do not know how I came to this place." He watches me silently, before nodding

"Come, come. The rest of the elders wait." I follow him through the corridors before he stops and frowns at the elevator.

"Elevator is the only way up..."

I sigh and nod, accepting the inevitable. "Go first. The elder chamber is at the top, I will follow."

He enters the elevator together with the first contact droid, and I call the next one before squeezing myself inside. No more comfortable than I remember from the last time. I then press the top button and wait.

The doors open and I try to extract myself from the confined space in as dignified manner as I can, while Yoda watches with an amused look on his face.

I finish unruffling my feathers, before I follow him into the main chamber, the droid following along.

The big doors open to reveal a large circular chamber with a big window. There are 12 chairs spread in a circle around the middle. Most of those chairs are filled with either physically present beings, but three of them are holograms.

Yoda gives me a nod before hobbling over to his own, empty, chair before climbing onto it and sitting down.

I blink before entering the circle, the droid hovering by my side. The seat directly facing me contains a human, one with pale skin and white hair even though he doesn't look old. He gives me a small nod.

"Atreus, do you understand me?" The droid dutifully translates, before I answer.

"No, khan. No more than a word or two. But the drone now knows my language enough, to translate in a somewhat accurate manner." He in turn nods, as he gets the translation.

"My name is Megal Tenok. I am the current leader of the Jedi khans." I lower my beak in respect before he continues, "We wanted to ask these questions earlier, but we wished to be sure the understanding would be as correct as possible."

I nod. "I have waited for the same reason, Khan. How did I come to this place?"

My question causes some whispering between the council members before he answers. "That was one of the questions we wished to have answered. Everyone here felt an immense disturbance in the momentum over time, when you fell from the sky into the senate square fountain."

I tilt my head in incomprehension. "Momentum over time?"

Tenok frowns. "Teacher Yoda have not approached this subject?" and looks over at the small green being, who shakes his head in response.

"I have not. Atreus has shown potential, but no indication that he knows about the momentum over time. His people might not know about it."

I frown as the droid keeps a running commentary for me. "May I ask what it is you are discussing? I do not understand what elementary physics have to do with how I appeared at this place."

Tenok sighs and then nod "The...and do not translate this word, droid...Force is a basic energy field in the universe. Some beings are sensitive to this field and can feel disruptions in it, as well as use it to some effect." He lifts his hand, causing the pad laying in it to float gently into the air.

I watch before nodding incomprehension. "Like the Liir."

Tenok frowns in response. "We do not know of this race."

Once again I sigh in disappointment. "And I do not know of any race I have seen here so far, but yours."

He hmms in thought, and leans back in his chair "You have seen humans before, but no others?"

"Yes. I am curious, what else can this 'force' do."

He frowns. "Many things. The force is as diverse as the universe. It can read minds, create illusions...many other things."

I blink. "Then I can use the force", I claim, and he looks at me before frowning once again.

"Show us."

Bowing my beak slightly, I get ready to release my glamor. It's nothing I have actually ever done before, but I just know how to do it and that I can.

I let it flow through me, as I slowly spread my wings. Every member in the council that is physically present draw breath.

Yoda watches me for a moment, before closing his eyes. "Do you control what each of us see?" he asks, and I let the glamor go.

"I do not. Your own mind forms a divine image; if you are female it's an attractive one as well."

Tenok frowns. "Where did you learn to do this?" he asks. I shake my head in denial.

"I did not. It's an ability males of my kind have. It evolved under millions of years, as the women of my kind developed stronger and stronger resistances. We find a woman especially attractive if she can resist it, and they find a male likewise highly attractive if he can fool her. During time, both ability and resistance to it have grown."

He slowly nods. "Speaking of the subject, where do your kind live?"

"I do not know. I have seen several maps of the galaxy, but none have the star cluster the morrigi federation is in." I sigh and fold up my wings tightly. "Is there a way for me to go back?"

Yoda simply shakes his head.

"If we don't know how you arrived here, we do not know how to send you back. I am sorry."

I nod in understanding. "I figured much the same...what is to become of me now?"

At last, Tenok smiles slightly.

"You may stay in the temple as long as you wish, until you are ready. You are under the protection of the Jedi. As for what comes when you decide to leave, I do not know. What would you wish to do?"

"The stars. I want the stars again." I answer immediately.

He smiles and nods. "There are teachers in navigation and piloting, as well as related subjects, available in the temple. If you wish, once you have mastered Galactic Basic to a sufficient level, we could arrange lessons."

I blink and then lower my beak in respect. "I would be grateful."

Sighing Tenok nods. "We may have more questions in the future, Atreus, but for now our curiosity is sated. You are free to go back to learning. How is your knowledge of Basic coming along?"

I give him a small nod while collecting my thoughts, before answering in a language the droid doesn't have to translate. "I speech some words. Basic easy but new." My stumbling words draw a small smile from many of the council members, and even Yoda chuckles

"Good, you do. That I am not the one teaching you, good it is."

The droid didn't translate and I understood maybe half the words he said, so I just give him a nod. "Khan." I turn to exit the chamber, the droid floating along as I leave.

Time to resume the battle with the fiercest foe in all the galaxies.

The elevator.