8 Chapter

My research into ship classes has been... annoying.

As I review the data again in my cabin I shift my wings in annoyance. Every single ship I have checked is a compromise in some capacity. And they would all need to be modified.

A quick look caused me to rate all the light freighter classes as too damn small. Technically, I could fit in something like a YT-1300(which are brand new right now) but it would be cramped to fly and claustrophobic to the extreme to live in...and it would cut down on my cargo space so much it wouldn't be worth it.

Leaving me with bigger, and more expensive ships.

I pick a fruit from my personal stash and slice it up before swallowing the sweet fruit as I refocus my attention on my list.

At the top of the list is the Action IV. It's big enough and has a ton of cargo space as well as being rumored of being easy to modify. The drawback though is that it's expensive, both to buy and to operate.

That ship would be stellar.

Scrolling to the next ship on the list is the Vena-class freighter. It's even bigger than the Action IV, but it's also slow as hell and completely unarmed pirate bait. It is, however cheaper to operate than the Action IV and cheaper to buy. It also has plenty of interior space as the cargo bays are on the sides, while the middle, thinner, part of the ship is almost completely crew and passenger compartments.

But then again... pirate bait.

Next on the list is the CR70, the predecessor to the CR90.

It's brand new from CEC and is both the fastest and carries the best armament of all of the ships on my list. It is a brand new corvette though, and as such is Expensive with a big E. Very modular and with plenty of space it would be perfect... but I simply don't know if I can talk the Jedi into bankrolling one.

Fourth on the list is the HT-2200.

Smaller than the others on the list, technically a light freighter as such it would be a bit cramped but it does actually have enough cargo space for me to cut into it slightly for more room. At least enough to be able to stretch out if needed.

It would be like a biped living in a heavy fighter, but it would be possible. This one is my backup if the Jedi nix the other three options. It is also brand new and while cheaper than the others, still not exactly cheap.

The door to my quarters opens and Yoda slowly enters. "Atreus, talk to me, you wished?" He says with a smile and I nod in agreement.

"Yes, Khan. My pilot training is almost complete... I hesitate to ask more of the Jedi, you have given me so much already..."

He hmmmms and jumps up to sit on my console. "Assistance to buy a ship you need?" He asks and I blink down at him, yet again, in shock.

"How did you...oh. Of course, you keep track of me..." Yoda chuckles, shaking his head.

"Spy on you, we did not. Talked to your flight instructor, I did." I feel like beak desking.

"Well...yeah, that does make more sense." I say as he chuckles.

"Show me your research, you will." I promptly handed the PADD with the list over.

He slowly nods as he scrolls through it "Expert, I am not. Hear good things about CR70, I do though." I nod, again, in agreement.

"Me too. But it is also the most expensive one on the list, Khan... and it either needs a refit if bought used, something unlikely for the CR70 as it's brand new, or have the design modified as it's being constructed. Being bigger than 99% of all sapient lifeforms has its drawbacks."

He chuckles and nods, "So dooes being smaller." before giving me an amused look prior to getting more serious.

"Normal condition for Jedi funding, your teacher told you?" I nod.

"Provide emergency transport for Jedi in need." He nods with a serious look.

"Dangerous, it could be. Risk you are, willing to take?" I tilt my head and sigh.

"The alternatives are: Being hired as a pilot and with the modifications needed, that won't happen. Getting a loan from a major bank and if I miss a single payment they are likely to take my ship. Getting a loan from gangsters and if I miss a single payment I would likely be killed. The possibility of having to get a couple of Jedi from time to time would be worth it... besides, your interest rates are VERY low."

He slowly nods, flicking his ears as he does so. "Jedi transport, rare they would be. Emergency only... own transport we usually use. If not emergency, ask and pay, even you, we would."

I offer him one of those blueberry fruits and he takes it, starting to peel it as I crush another in my beak. I had no idea you were meant to peel those...

Shaking my head I swallow the sweet fruit meat before speaking. "Those are acceptable terms. The question is how much your council is willing to invest in me after having already given so much."

Yoda chuckles while digging deep in the fruit with his entire hand, scooping out meat to eat. "Worth-while investment, we think you are. Even save single Jedi, worth it, it would be."

I nod in understanding. "If I can, I will. This I promise you Khan."

He nods and then jumps down from my console, leaving two-thirds of his fruit uneaten, taking the PADD with him. "Take this matter up with the council, I will. Give you our decision, we will."

I lower my beak in respect as he leaves before pulling out a reserve PADD. Some ships I did completely skip, like miners. While it would be a safeish and steady income, mining is such a feminine task.