12 Chapter

It took us almost a full month to fill most of the crew manifest. Most of it. Commander Swan rejected some of the seemingly promising applicants quickly due to ferreting out falsehoods and other black marks.

When she said she was going to do a job, I guess she really takes her duties seriously.

With a month until the ship is finished and a bit over half the positions are filled. While her attention to detail is good and all, actually having a full crew once we are casting off would be nice.

I sigh and read through the PAD once again, taking in the crew manifest as I coil softly around the pillar.

Other than Samantha Swan as my second in command, there are seven(eight?) others on the list of people that now makes up my employment records.

First on the list is Melnar Cornac, a human from Nar Shaddaa. An old human who has worked on freighters all his life, chief pilot.

The second Pilot is Tel'te Visa, a female Twi'lek. She is young and just graduated from the commercial pilot academy here on Coruscant.

Third on the list is Mekak, an Zabrak from Iridonia. As the cargo master, his duties are balancing the cargo and handling the on and offloading of cargo. He will also be handling the ship's petty cash.

Fouris Jack Melton, a human from Coruscant. Used to work for the Republic Navy as a communication officer until he was kicked out for slicing into restricted files. The thing is that he did it on Jedi's request, but it didn't matter to his superior as technically he broke the law. The Jedi kept him out of jail for it, but his career went out the airlock. As far as we can tell he is not blaming the Jedi though. Com officer and comp specialist.

Fifth is Sarah Honor, a human from... well... space. She has lived on freighters all her life. Chief engineer and an all-around technical wizard.

Sixth is Padme Honor, a human and the younger sister of Sarah Honor. Second engineer. Not quite the wizard her sister is, but still skilled.

Seventh is Icri, a Mon Calamari female from Dac(their homeworld). Personnel and passenger manager and steward. She also promised to find us a good cook.

The last so far is MD-31. A medical droid qualified for everything from treating a skin rash to open chest surgery.

The first shift is finished and some of the second, but I would really prefer to have a full second shift as well before we leave on the first cargo run.

I put the PADD back into the harness and then glance to the plaque on the wall with a slightly smug look on my face. I had passed the final piloting test and I am now rated for ships up to capital class.

I stare at it for a moment before I frown slightly and coil tighter around the pillar. Now I just needed to secure some cargo to move... I have been told the hardest part of starting a new shipping business is getting that first cargo.

Well...the Jedi are financing this so perhaps...

Maybe the government or navy need something shipped? Jedi's word should be enough to guarantee to them that I won't just run off with it.

Sighing, I shake my head and slowly climb off the pillar as my communicator starts to blink. I reach over and answer and a small hologram of Var, the shipwright, appears, "Captain Atreus. There is a small complication with the installation with the weapon turrets on your ship."

I nod at him, "Var. Please continue." and he checks his PADD

"While it's possible to install four of them without compromising any cargo or passenger space any more than we have already, the aft ventral turret would cut into cargo space by about five cubic meters. We can still install it without any cuts to cargo space, but it would need to be attached to the exterior, or we can install it like you wanted and take the cut in cargo space."

I spend a few seconds thinking it over before I give him a nod, "Take the cut to cargo space. I would rather have more surprise firepower waiting for any foolish raider who tries to steal from me."

He gives me a nod, "As you wish Boss. Also, the specifications for the pillars on the bridge and in your quarters were received yesterday. There won't be any problems installing them."

"Good work, Var. I understand why the Jedi recommended you," he snorted.

"Don't bloody remind me," before cutting the connection, leaving me trilling in humor before the com started blinking again.

I head-tilt and then answer it to find Icri on the other side, "Captain, I have managed to locate a cook I have worked with before. He is a human from Dantoonie named Mac Nevor. He is good at his job, but has had problems with glitterstim in the past. He hasn't touched it in years though."

I turn it over in my head for a moment before I nod, "Contact him and make the offer. Let him know that I don't care what substances he has used in the past, but that if I find any on my ship, both he and it will go out the airlock."

Icri nods, "Thank you Captain for giving him this chance. He really is a good man...he just..." and I snort.

"You can save it, I already said I will give him a chance. Hope he is as good as you say though, we might have over a hundred mouths to feed at times."

She smiles and nods, "He is. Good night, Captain."

"Good night, Icri." I reply and close the channel.

Oh well, one problem dealt with, but put another potential problem on the list...