14 Chapter

I tighten my hold on the command pillar as I watch the holograms around me feed me information on all ship systems.

"Commander. Let's spread our wings." I say while retracting the holograms, giving me a view of the bridge. She glances back at me before answering

"Yes, Captain." before she presses a button on her armrest "All hands, this is the XO. All sections, report status."

As they all report in clear she nods "Ship ready, Captain." and I happily relax around the pillar.

"Bring us out, Commander. Standard parking orbit." and she nods before leaning back in her chair.

"Aye, Captain. Com, contact the station and get us undocking permission, and then Coruscant control to get us a course for orbit change."

Jack Melton nods "Yes, Commander." before turning his attention to his systems and headphones. Soon he turns back to her "Permission approved, Commander. Course 112. 321. 116. We are clear for parking orbit."

Swan nods "Thank you, Mr. Melton." and keep her dislike well hidden. She didn't want to hire him because he was kicked out of the navy, but I insisted.

She then turns her attention forward "Helm. Undock and set a course for 112. 321. 116. Standard parking orbit."

Melnar Cornac nod "Aye, Commander. Standard orbit. Course 112. 321. 116."

The ship shudders slightly as the undocking clamps let go of the station before we start to slowly accelerate away. I can feel the humming of the engines through the pillar and I purr along with the ship.

I manipulate the controls on the pillar to bring up a camera feed from the station to watch my ship pull away. Her name is written clearly on the side, as much a wish for the future as anything else.

'Clear Skies'

From parking orbit, it didn't take more than an hour to get permission to land at naval base 12 close to the Coruscant polar regions. With the help of the two new cargo droids, we made short work of loading her up. It took longer to get the base commander to actually sign the papers confirming that we had received the cargo than actually loading the damn stuff.

Once we where loaded we took of and headed to a starport close to the equator instead to pick up our passengers.

That's when the problems started.

I was on the bridge, reviewing the flight log to look for possible problems. That last week of refitting was basically spent running tests, but you never know fully until you have done some real flying.

The interior com beeped and blinked for my attention and I put the data logs to the side before pulling up the com "This is the Captain."

"Captain, this is Icri. We are having a problem with a passenger. He demands to speak with you." and I frown slightly

"Icri, passengers are your department and failing that, Commander Swans." and she sighs.

"I know that. Sir, but he refuses to talk to the Commander. He is refusing to relinquish his blaster for safekeeping in the ships safe."

Sighing softly I nod "Nobody is armed on my ship, Icri. Nobody but the crew are to have access to weapons."

"I know that sir, you made that very clear. I have tried to explain it to him but..."

Shaking my head I climb slowly down from the pillar "Very well, I will be down in a moment."

I make my way down to the boarding ramp, finding Icri, Commander Swan, and two humans there. One young female, perhaps 17 years old in...modern...clothing. The other is a man, perhaps 30 years old. He has the air of the military around him.

"May I ask what is the problem, sir?" I ask while looking down at him. From his height, he is likely unused to actually need to look up at anyone but Wookiees but with me, he has to.

"You are the Captain of this vessel?" he asks and I nod before he continues "I am the personal bodyguard of Princess Ni'Korish of the Hapes Consortium. I will not relinquish my weapon."

I just look calmly down at him "Sir, nobody on my ship is armed. All luggage, passengers, and containers are screened for weapons and explosives before being allowed on board. I do not care if you are a bodyguard, a solider, a Jedi, or a Sith Emperor. Onboard my ship, you follow my rules. No weapons."

The princess looks to be about an equal level of embarrassed and annoyed at this point as he speaks up again "Look, 'Captain'. It is my responsibility to keep the Princess safe. I will be keeping my weapon."

Narrowing my eyes down at him I nod "Very well. You are fully allowed to do so...." and he nods before starting to lead the princess further into the ship and I block their way "But not on board my ship. Commander, escort our...guests...off the ship. As the trip has not yet started, give them a full refund. Let's see if we can't sell a couple of last-minute tickets."

Ni'Korish shakes her head "Enough, Jasper. Hand over your weapon." and he turns to her

"B-but...Milady.." and she give him a look

"This is my one chance to get away from responsibility before I assume the crown and I will not let you ruin it by being paranoid. I know you are trying to keep me safe, but sometimes you just go too far."

She turns to look up at me "He will cooperate, Captain." and I eye them for a second, debating if I should throw them off anyway before I nod

"Very well, Your Highness. Commander." and give Swan a nod.

She steps forward to take the expensive military-grade blaster he offers her before she clears her throat "Your other one as well. And the knife."

He gives the Princess an unhappy look and she just nods at him so he turns over his other weapons as well.

Stepping out of the way I give Princess Ni'Korish a small nod as they move past into the ship in search for their cabins "I wish you a happy journey, Your Highness."

I give Icri a pat on her shoulder as I turn to head back to the bridge "You are doing a good job, Icri. Keep it up." while Commander Swan makes her way to the ships safe with the confiscated weapons.