23 Chapter

I turn the tiny box in my hands to face it towards the two Jedi and open it to reveal the lightsabers. Nizzal Zebb bows slightly "Thank you Captain", before putting it in her belt as Nicole pick hers up and does the same. I put the box away

"I do not know what your mission here is, Jedi, but I advise you to be careful. Also, we will not leave until we find a cargo or in three days, whichever comes first. If you are finished by then, I'm sure I will be able to provide transport..." and spread my feathers in humor "Wherever I'm going and for the standard price, of course."

Jedi Zebb grins. "Of Course..." and then nods "Sadly I think this assignment will take significantly more time though. I suspect the transport back to Coruscant will be slightly less luxurious", before turning to Mara.

"Ready, Padawan?"

Nicole Mara nods. "Yes, Master" before looking up at me. "I apologize once more, Captain."

I nod, accepting the apology. "Apologize no more, Jedi Mara. I consider the event settled and I thank you for your advice. I will see what I can do to follow it."

She blinks and looks slightly surprised before nodding, as her teacher gives her a bit of a curious look.

Nizzal finally shakes her head. "Come Padawan. Time we get to work" and they both walk down the ramp.

I watch them leave for a moment before heading down to the cargo hold, to check if Mekak has any problems before heading out on town to check if I can locate some new cargo. Even if passengers on their own keep the ship making a small profit, I hate doing deadhead runs...and maybe locate a working but used droid core to start testing the VI on.

Three days later I shake my head on the bridge, coiled around the pillar "Well, there is nothing to it and we can't keep sitting here like a Hutt. Miss Visa, standard orbit please."

All the cargo I have been able to locate has been A) Illegal B) Too big or C) Both of the above. While annoying, this will be a deadhead run then...but on the upside, I can pick where to go.

As Tel'te climbs the ship into orbit, I think about the possible destinations. Dantooine is always nice and usually has cargo. Nar Shaddaa and Nal Hutta the same. Coruscant is too far away to be worth the fuel.

Mon Cal could work. Haven't been there before... Naboo is also in easy range. But that's just a Bad Idea.

I slowly nod as I make up my mind. "Miss Visa set a course for Mon Cal. You may break orbit at will" and she glances back at me before nodding.

"Yes, Captain. That should make Icri's day. She hasn't seen her homeworld in years."

I fluff my feathers up slightly. "Then how about I see about getting us all a week of leave? I think we all need it" and she gives me a bright smile.

"Breaking orbit now, Captain!"

I trill in amusement before blinking as Melton calls for my attention "Captain, message from the surface. Jedi emergency code."

Closing my eyes, I bite back a sigh. Something tells me the vacation is going to be somewhat delayed. "Put it through to me, Mr. Melton." A holographic projection appears in the air in front of my pillar, showing the form of Jedi Knight Zebb, her back pressed against some kind of machine cradling her left arm.

"Captain! Thank the force you have not left yet. I request immediate emergency pickup as described in the contract with the order. Coordinates are being transmitted now" she says, and I glance over to Melton who nods. The Jedi continues, "We will try to make our way to the roof of the facility. Drop your cargo ramp and we will jump on board."

I flick my wings slightly and then nod. "We are coming, Jedi Zebb. Hang in there."

She glances to the side "They are coming. Get there as fast as you can."

Trying to keep relaxed around the pillar, I watch her close the connection before sighing. "Change of plans." I press the intercom button, "Battle stations. All passengers to their cabins and all crew to their posts. Mr. Cornac, please report to the bridge. I repeat, battle stations, this is not a drill", before returning my attention to the bridge.

"I mean no disrespect to your abilities, Miss Visa..." and she nods quickly.

"Captain, if we are heading into a combat zone, I don't want the controls. I'm good, but not THAT good."

As she turns the ship around to head back to the planet, Cormac arrives and is quickly brought up to speed, replacing Tel'te in the pilot seat.

Clear Skies takes a direct course towards the location and I frown. "Mr. Cormac, I would prefer if you could take us in low and fast", I say and he nods.

"Got it Captain." he responds, just as Commander Swan enters the bridge and I quickly fill her in.

"So, Commander. Any ideas?" I ask before she shakes her head and goes into her seat.

"No Captain, nothing at this time."

I nod and try my best to look relaxed around my pillar, as Clear Skies enters the atmosphere at a steep angle. The shield hits the air hard, creating a plasma trail across the sky before we slow down and get deep enough for it to clear up. Cormac flies her like an expert, leveling off at a hundred meters as he skims above the treetops.

"Coming up on the coordinates, Captain. I'm reading a large compound" he reports before Commander Swan speaks up.

"I'm seeing several heavy weapons emplacements. Mainly focused on a ground assault, but they do have AA."

I simply nod. "Deploy weapons. Steady as she goes, Mr. Cormac."

The hidden turrets deploy smoothly, sending their targeting information to the bridge. As they are deployable they can't have gunners, and instead must be remotely controlled. In combat, the Comms officer handles two and commander Swan handles the three others. Not as effective as separate gunners, but it works.

Clear skies enters the aircover of the compound, and Tel'te points out the window towards a building with a large flat roof. "There!"

On the roof, a pair of lightsabers work desperately to deflect the laser bolts from their attackers, as the Jedi defend themselves, holding their ground behind a pair of environmental control units against at least thirty attackers.

I frown and nod. "Mr. Cormac, Bring us dow..." when he interrupts me.

"Captain, I have a..." and then the ship suddenly shudders. " SAM launch! Shields are down to half."

Samantha Swan glances back at me and up from her screens. "I'm reading AA turrets coming online and fighters coming in from the south. Their ETA is 30 seconds."

The ship is less than fifty meters away from the roof and the Jedi. I can almost see Nicole and Nizzal's hope rising as they see their rescue is on its way and I do the only thing I can do.

I close my eyes. "Mr. Cormac, full power to engines. Take us to the hyperlimit."