30 Chapter

As the ship moves up alongside and match orbit with the ship, I had my chief engineer take control of the Crows to give her a view of what she needs to see.

From what we discovered the only visible damage from the outside is the comm array and a couple of holes in the engine section from blast damage.

Right now, however, I have a bigger problem.

"You are NOT going, Captain." Samantha Swan state while looking up at me and I frown.

"I am aware it will be a bit cramped, but that's a capital ship. Corridors and rooms should be big enough for me to move around. We know that most of the ship still has a breathable atmosphere from sending the medical droid in. I would be fine even if my armor is not ready."

She sighs and shakes her head. "That's not the point! This wreck is at least four thousand years old! While it appears to be in good condition, who the hell knows when that can change. With your size, and without a suit, you would be helpless - and I would be damned if I lose the Captain of my ship because he's being an idiot!"

I ruffle my feathers in annoyance. "Commander, I'm going. If it makes you feel better, how about this? I stay a compartment back behind a sealed door at all times until somebody has cleared and make sure the section ahead is safe?"

My XO gives me a dark look that suddenly makes me glad 'I' am the one that's force sensitive before she nods. "Well if you insist on being an idiot..." before turning and almost stalking out of my quarters.

Shaking my head I continue packing my tools into the harness. To be fair, she's got a very good point, but this is something I can't just leave to my crew.

I make my way down to the docking port only to find Commander Swan, Sarah Honor, Padme Honor, Melnar Cornac, Mekak, and Jack Melton all suited up and armed.

Swan gives me an unhappy look but nods. "Ok, here is the plan. The Captain, Jack, Padme, and Mekak head to the bridge to check the database if possible. I, Cornac, and the sisters head down to engineering to see what the damage is."

We slowly make our way through the derelict. The air is breathable but old, dusty. The corridor is just big enough for me to move comfortably, even if it feels a bit claustrophobic. I frown slightly as I wait by the closed door with Padme for Jack and Mekak to clear the next room...I really should get myself a weapon of some sort.

Standard blasters are way too small to use.

"Ok, it's safe. Come on through." Jack's voice sounds through the communicator and we open the hatch. I let Padme through first before I squeeze through.

The compartment is medium-sized with some kind of equipment in the middle. It has also got a handful of dried out bodies wearing ancient republic navy uniforms.

Padme quickly turns her back as I move to check them, Jack and Mekak are already checking out the next compartment and I open the com to them while I take a bit of a closer look at the damage to the bodies.

Some of them have been cut in half, others have limbs cut of "Does this look like lightsaber damage to anyone else?"

"Yes." I get as an answer and I frown.

"This was a republic ship... That means the attacker was Sith. Keep your guard up."

I can hear Jack snort through the com. "No kidding. No taking chances with Sith."

We slowly make our way to the bridge and I wait outside as they clear it. "Uh... Captain. I think we found the Sith. He is dead."

"Complete the sweep so I can enter... And remind me that we need some infantry level drones added to the ship complement."

A few minutes later I get the all-clear and enter the bridge. It has the same V-shaped bridge I remember from the KOTOR games, if slightly smaller due to being a smaller ship.

I make my way over to the Captain's chair as Melton start to slice the computer. He glances back at me. "Give me a couple of minutes, Captain. These systems may be old, but they are still military grade."

Giving him I nod I turn my attention back to the dead Sith in the Captain's chair. It is wearing what looks like black leather and has a hole through the head. The lightsaber is lying on the deck next to the chair, and he is holding a small blue pyramid with black edges and red inscriptions in his lap, clutched in his hand.

I reach out and pull it from his death grip before holding it up to look at. The sides are perhaps ten centimeters long, forming a perfect pyramid. I've got some serious suspicions about what this is...

I put it into a small bag on my harness before picking up his lightsaber. It's small in my hand but I aim it away from me and press the power switch. It activates like it was new, revealing a ruby red blade with a white core.

Snorting I turn it off and put it into a bag as well. It's a useless weapon and I will never understand why they became so popular among force users.

Jack glance back at me. "I'm in, Captain. I think you want to have a look at this." I head over as he activates a hologram showing the Sith, sitting in the command chair.

"Whoever finds this... Well, you are in luck." He says in a pained voice, holding his hands over a wound on his stomach. "I finished my mission, Master. I hope it's you who found this, Revan. I found it. But I goofed... Damaged the hyperdrive too badly when I attacked the ship carrying it, and when the shields came down... A rock of all things hit the com array. Neither can be salvaged."

He chuckles and then spits out some blood. "Not that I could, even if I survived. I got sloppy and some rancor scrubber got in a lucky shot. I destroyed the medical bay on my way through the ship so no help there."

Shaking his head he groans. "No healing this. But I am a Sith... I rule myself, nobody else does. I die on my conditions!" And then he put his lightsaber to the side of his head and activates it.

As he dies he drops it, and the saber's deadman switch deactivates it.

I frown and feel the pyramid in my bag. As Jack turns off the hologram of the now-dead Sith I nod. "Good work, Mr. Melton. See if you can find out what the ship's mission was." Then my com beeps and I answer it.

"Swan here, Captain. According to Sarah the sublight works but both hyperdrives are wrecked and can't be repaired without parts. Rest of the ship's systems other than the com array are actually working even if they could use some maintenance from something other than droids. We just need to close the holes in her engineering bays."

Hmming I think for a moment. "Is the hyperdrive compatible with parts from our ship?" I ask and Sarah opens her com as well.

"No, sorry skipper. I might be able to get her mark 12 hyperdrive working by taking apart ours, but it would take years to the closest relevant system with one of those."

I look around the bridge and think for a moment before making a decision. "Seal up the hull breaches and then get back to work on our own hyperdrive. XO, check if there is any way we can purchase the parts we need without breaking the bank. Once our own hyperdrive is operational we can send Clear Skies to get them."

Giving the team with me a nod I turn to head back the way we came "I'm heading back to the ship to get some tarps. We need to collect the remains, I'm sure the Navy will want them back, even after this long."

As I exit Jack calls out. "Skipper, I found out her name." I glance back.

"So, what is it?" He grins.

"It's the Republic Navy Frigate Black Pearl."

Well... That's not ominous at all.