35 Chapter

"Captain Atreus, yes?" the rodian asked as he met me on the landing pad close to his store and I nod.

"Indeed. I assume you are Bodoto Malva and you've got something for me?" I ask as I finish folding my wings and he nods quickly.

"Got. Yes. Yes. Custom modified M-32D Laser Canon." He motions for a droid to push the big box over. "Difficult work...expensive," he says as I look down at him.

"Are you trying to make me overpay?" I ask him as my power armored claws scrape against the armored landing pad and I can see him swallow, quickly shaking his head.

"Trick! No. No! Respectable gunsmith I am, unusual work you needed done! Special parts needed done!" he quickly says while opening the box to reveal the long weapon with custom sight and grips.

I slowly nod and lift it up, giving it a once over before linking the aim system with my suit systems, providing a reticle in my field of view where it's aimed. "Sight can be adjusted I assume?" I ask and he quickly nods.

"Adjusted, yes, yes. I wrote a manual, it's in the case," he quickly explains before showing it to me.

I put the laser canon back into the case and close it before reaching between my wings for a small carrying case before I toss a credit chit over to him. "Five thousand, like we agreed. And five hundred extra for a work well done."

The rodian nod happily "Yes, yes. Happy doing business with fair dealers. Would trade again!" he quickly says and I give him a nod in return.

"If I need something else, I will contact you."

Flying with cargo makes it so I have to take it slower but I am still back on the Skies in less than three hours, putting my new weapon in the mount on the wall after removing and storing my Ascension armor. I would prefer a couple of gun drones, but that will have to wait.

I'm not spending the remaining week and a half of my time of tinkering...ok, not just tinkering.

I make my way down to the food court to dig some fruit out of storage before making my way back to the bridge to coil around my pillar. I should get a droid with a tray on it to float next to it...I should be able to buy one of those stock...Speaking of which I really should get a new pillar installed in my quarters before it's time for Yoda's little trip.

Shaking my head I put that thought on the backburner before inserting the message chit into the pillar and start the playback.

A hologram appear in front of my eyes, revealing Princess Ni'Korish smiling at the holopickup, wearing a red dress of some sort.

"Captain Atreus, I'm recording this the day before we leave for Hapes and I was hoping I would meet you again before then to tell you in person, but it appear it was not to be," she says before continuing "My coronation is in less than two months and I wish to thank you once again for saving my life. I do not know how yet, but I will find a way to reward you for your service to the Hapan people...and as an apology for putting your crew and you in danger."

She shrugs slightly. "I wanted to tell you in person or at least over real time com, but my bodyguards said it was too dangerous so I had to record it instead and I guess it'll have to due. I wish you well, Captain Atreus."

The message ends and I slowly nod before ejecting the message from the pillar to put in one of the small pouches on my harness. It is good to know she is alive and well...despite the lying, the risks and the pirate attack...

I like her.