40 Chapter

Yoda walked over to the blast door, leaning on his cane. The old dustling looked tired...even with the Force, it must have taken a lot out of him to jump around like he just did.

I walked over and picked up all the lightsabers, hooking the two Sith sabers to my carrying harness and the Jedi ones back on the belt of the owner before I made my way over to Yoda.

"Think we can cut through?" I asked and pulled out one of the Sith lightsabers.

He glanced up at me and pull his own free "See, we will." and we both ignited our respective blades.

He gave me a long look before turning to the blast door, slowly pressing the tip of his saber into the surface which starts to glow and slowly melt. I followed his lead with my own.

"Disturbing it is to see you with a blade-like that." he commented while using the force to redirect the quickly melting slag metal to the side.

I slowly worked the crimson blade in a circle, cutting pieces out slowly for him to float to the side as he shut down his own saber to let me do the work with the longer one.

"Quite understandable. But I do not intend to become a raving megalomaniac with a love for leather." I answered as I kept cutting pieces out of the blast door. The material is resistant but not lightsaber proof.

Yoda nod slowly and push a piece to the side "Intend to, Sith almost never do. Fall, still they do. Dangerous to learn the Force on your own, it is." he cautioned.

I stopped cutting for a moment, keying my helmet back into place when the fumes and heat get too annoying before I start again and reply.

"So it may be, but The Force is part of me. It's part of the very biology of my species. I cant NOT use it." before stepping back to let him pull a hundred-kilogram piece of the door away to toss to the other end of the chamber before I move in to start cutting away.

I made sure to carve the portal way bigger than needed just to be safe.

"If use the Force, you will, guidance you will need. Strong in the Force, you are. Powerful Jedi you could become." he says and I blink, looking down at him.

"I thought you said I was too old to train?" I asked and he nodded gravely replying in turn.

"Too old to train, you are. But too strong to ignore either, you have proved yourself. Going to recommend the training to the council, I think I will."

I look at him for a moment and things click in place in my head "Yoda...was this entire thing a test for me?"

He blinks and then shakes his head with a small tired chuckle "Yes...and no. Real mission it was, Jedi ruins, we thought. Asking you to come...test it was."

I shut the saber down and step back from the blast door. We were about a third of the way through and the superheated metal needed to cool off a bit before continuing and I looked at him as he sat down on the floor.

"So what was the test? And why?" and he shakes his head

"Your reaction to Padawan Mara touching your mind, strong it was. In anger you reacted and touched the force you did. Saved the Princess you did, your rage when you did, she remembered."

I slowly nod "You wanted to make sure I wasn't already falling." I said and he nodded in return before I continue. "You wanted to see me under combat conditions...where it would be most likely to manifest. So, how did I do?"

He nods and plays with his cane "Give in to your anger, you did not. When attacked by the Sith, I felt it, but surrender to it, you did not. Better than expected, it was."

I move over to coil around one of the pillars, digging my armored claws into it for support I fold my helmet away "I have no interest in becoming a Jedi, Yoda. I am the Captain of a ship and I own a company. I do not have the time to spend my days meditating in the temple."

Nodding he hmms "Understand that, I do. But remain, the point it does. Too powerful you are, Training and guidance you need."

Seeing as the edges of the hole have stopped glowing I deployed my helmet again and reignite the red saber after climbing down from the pillar to start cutting again, the handle feeling tiny in my armored hand.

"We can discuss this later. First, we need to get out of here."

He nodded and got up, and resumed lifting pieces away again with The Force "Wait, it can. Think about it, you should."