48 Chapter

"There's nothing that can be done about it?" I asked Meriki, the Jedi healer.

We got a new hyperdrive installed and then headed to Coruscant to see if we could get Nisica some help. Sadly, the Jedi had bad news.

Meriki shook her head and the small Bothan looked up at me . "I am sorry Captain, there's no way to easily remove the conditioning. It 'Can' be done, but as she's been under it since birth, her entire personality is built around it. If the conditioning is removed, her entire personality would be all but erased."

I sighed and rubbed my beak "So what do we do? We can't exactly ask her, can we? She's incapable of even thinking about betraying a master... which she would see this as."

Meriki shrugged and leaned against her console "I don't know, Captain. There are anti-slavery organizations that would take her in and try to give her as good of a life as possible. You could also try and take care of her yourself; I'll put you in touch with the organization we work with at times."

I nodded and thanked her before I exited the temple medical section. What the hell should I decide... and what right did I even have to decide for her? But she was incapable of making a decision of her own.

"Troubled you are?" Yoda asked as he joined me, and I looked down at him before nodding.

"Yes, there's no way to safely remove her conditioning without mind wiping her... which would be the same as killing her. Keeping her on the ship wouldn't be right, so I'm thinking I might take healer Meriki's advice about getting help from a anti-slavery organization. What's your opinion on the matter?" I asked the small green Jedi master.

He hmmm'ed and shook his head before he answered "Difficult, it is. Freedom for all, stable organization, it is. Worked with Jedi before, it have. Well she would do, I think. But not my decision it is."

I sighed and nodded.

"I will think it over." I said, and Yoda looked up at me.

"Staying at the temple, you are?" he asked and I glanced down at him as I flattened my feathers.

"If I can, yes. I gave my crew two weeks leave. After two weeks cramped up in the ship with increasingly annoying entitled passengers, they deserve that and more. Hope they enjoy the bonus as well. Nisica is still at temple medical." I told him, and he nodded with a smile.

"For the next part of your training, ready you are." He said happily, and I aimed a slight frown down at him.

"I know I'm doing well in the meditation and telekinetic exercises on my own in addition to the lessons in the temple. I've even been able to do that prediction thing you Jedi do by shooting targets while blindfolded. So what would that next part be? " I asked him, and he smiled up at me.

"It's time for you to make your own lightsaber." He told me and I blinked down at the little green muppet.

"No, it isn't. First of all, lightsabers are a horrible weapon. Second, I am not a Jedi. Third, I already got three of them!�� I told him and he shook his head.

"Sith lightsabers, you have. Not true ones. Weapons of murderers, not tools of protectors. Many Jedi never use lightsabers in combat; some never even practice other than as a way of meditation. Symbol, it is and useful tool."

I frowned as we reached my quarters, "I don't know, Yoda. Like you said, a lightsaber is a symbol for Jedi, and I am not a Jedi. As useful as it is as a cutting tool, the ones I already have are more than sufficient for that."

Yoda slowly nodded. "Think of it, you should. The next step, it is. Not only a weapon, symbol and tool, it is. Resonate with the force, a lightsaber does. Making one, understanding of the force it requires. A test, you could consider it. Let you get some rest, I will." He stated, before he started to hobble his way down the hallway.

I just looked after him before I shook my head and entered my old quarters. The temple wasn't crowded enough for the Jedi to need to make use of all rooms at all times, so they simply left them alone until they needed to be used...meaning that after modifying my room to fit me, they simply left it alone. Hence, it's still exactly as I left it when I left the temple for the first time.

I grumbled softly as I coiled up around my old pillar while I pulled a small drone the size of a large dinner plate from my harness. The plate-like drone unfolded a pair of thin arms as the repulsor activated before it floated out of the room in search for some food for me.

What is that old dustling thinking. I don't need a damn lightsaber... nor am I a Jedi that carries one as a symbol even if they don't use it.

Sighing I pulled out my PAD and connected it to the Temple's datanet. Time to pull up some information about this 'Freedom for All' organization. Nisica is my responsibility, I needed to handle that first.