8 Chapter

I tightened my hold around the marble pillar in my quarters as I looked out into the whirling colors of hyperspace.

My quarters were three times the size they were on the Clear Skies. The outer wall was almost completely a window, giving a good view into space or hyperspace.

The floor and walls were nice light stone with the walls mostly covered by nice, thick Hapan fabrics with red and gold. By the furthest wall from the door, there were large soft pillows to sleep on.

That was only the main room. There was a second room, one that I liked even more than this one.

I had a private dustbath.

I shook my head and picked a fruit from the floating drone as I turned away from hyperspace to bring up the hologram around the pillar and go through my armor design. There were some changes I thought off since I made my last one.

We left Hapes almost three weeks ago. Two of those weeks were spent slowly crawling through the mists at sublight. Our excuse to take twice the normal time to travel through was that we were doing 'systems tests'.

Well, we were. There were all hands on deck as we went through the ship and shuttles from bow to stern... twice. Including the main computer and outer hull.

We have kept looking ever since we entered hyperspace as well. It's been almost a week since we found the last bug, but there was no being too careful.

In total, we found five tracking devices and two programs in the main computer capable of crippling the ship at will.

I tapped my finger on the pillar before I tilted my head in thought, changing the color of the armor to gold. I was reasonably sure we found them all, but we will keep a eye out. I still planned to try and enjoy my first amount of free time since we left Hapes though.

Shaking my head, I tried silver with gold inlays instead. This was the hardest part, trying to make it look as impressive as possible.

I tried working on the design for a few more minutes before I sighed and closed the program down, bringing up another picture instead. Sighing softly, I relaxed for a moment, looking at the hologram of N'Korish. She was standing by the window in my room in the palace, wearing that red dress of hers as she smiled happily at the drone that took the picture. There were several long moments before my door chimed at me.

Closing down the hologram, I pressed a button on the pillar, making the door slide open to reveal Commander Swan.

"Captain." She said as she walked in and offered me a PAD. "Here is the last report from the crew."

I reached down and took it, flipping through it quickly.

"Thank you, Commander." as I skimmed the information. Nothing serious popped out at me so I will read it more thoroughly later.

She nodded and then frowned. "I looked through the numbers from the Autumn Flower. I agree that there is something off about them, but I don't know what, Captain. I think we should look into it more thoroughly."

"I was thinking the same thing. We'll look into it after we leave Coruscant... While we should get back to hauling cargo again, the crew deserve a break. They have been working hard the last three weeks." I said as I raised my headfeathers. "In any case, we could use the time to give the components for a new set of drones time to arrive."

Swan crossed her arms, leaning against the bulkhead next to the door. "The Hapans were quite through when they built her. They installed a hundred drone hatches even though they didn't know what they were for simply because they were on the Clear Skies."

"I would have been even happier if there were no surprises, but I do think we found them all." I commented as I climbed down from the pillar and stretched my wings.

"Hopefully. But without taking the entire ship apart and put it back together again I don't know if we will ever know." She said with a small frown before she shook her head. "Speaking of the ship, I'm going to need a name to register her at Coruscant Control, Captain."

I flattened my feathers and glanced out into hyperspace. Hesitating for a moment. I knew the name I wanted to use, but if I did, it could cause problems for Ni'Korish.

"Yes. He will be called 'Remembrance'." I finally answered her. "If that's all, Commander?"

She hesitated for a moment before she nodded.

"I think so, Captain. Icri wanted to speak with you, but it was not critically important." before she pushed off the wall and turned to leave, stopping in the doorway for a moment, half turning to me.

"Captain..." she started before she stopped.

"Yes, Commander?" I asked curiously as I tilted my head.

Swan hesitated and then shook her head. "Nothing, Captain. I forgot what I was about to say. Good night."

"Good night, Commander." I said as my door closer before I glanced out at the whirling blue colors of hyperspace.

Naming the ship the 'Queen's Solace' would have caused problems, no matter how fitting it was.

Letting out a small breath, I started to unstrap my carrying harness, pulling my lightsaber drone out of it's pouch to let it float in the air. I hung the harness up on a hook on the wall before I stretched spreading my wings wide with a small groan.

Yawning, I started to make my way into the other room of my quarters.

I needed a dust bath and then some sleep.