Ambush(Part Two)


 "Highlanders! Defensive positions!" Tidas called out to his soldiers.

 Skye's head whipped about as she looked back at the group of men that were now essentially chasing them. She wanted to try and sort out her theory about Tidas, but it would have to wait. The Highlanders were gaining fast, and Skye was already where she needed to be..

 The nearly vertical walls of the mountain pass were much smoother than she had expected them to be. As soon as she came close enough, Skye pulled Thoth to the side, and dragged her hand across the rock walls as they ran. It was painful, but she had experienced much worse when she'd made Tidas' armor.

 She grunted as the rocks peeled chunks of her flesh away at a rapid pace, but Skye just healed it as she continued to drive Thoth at his maximum speed. She'd stopped funneling her power to him as soon as they had entered the pass, much to Tidas' relief.