
It was quite late by the time Skye and Tidas came back from the loch. After passing their horses off to a sleepy stable boy, the newlyweds walked hand in hand to Skye's room. When they entered, both had been shocked to see Lucas sitting on her bed; waiting for her.

Tidas wanted to stay, but knew that it was a matter between Skye and her father. He didn't want to intrude on their moment, but wasn't sure he should leave, either. He squeezed Skye's hand, not knowing what she wanted him to do.

Seeing the uncertainty in his eyes, Skye told her husband; "Ima fine.. Why don't ye sleep in yer room tonight, and come get me when ye wake up?"

Tidas hesitated, looking at Lucas. He seemed ten years older now than at dinner. He wasn't sure what exactly Skye had said to him, but it must've been torturing him the entire time they were gone. Lucas had never really looked his age; except for his hair. But now he looked even older..