Dragon Armor

*** WARNING: This Chapter Has Gore. Viewer Discretion Is Advised***

The gloves lasted moments; the steam was too intense for the fibers to hold together against the pressure. The seams completely disintegrated, causing what was left of the gloves to fall to the ground. The pain was so intense, Skye could barely focus. She gripped the leather in her hands, unable to move or think of anything other than the flesh that was practically being melted from her hands. It popped and sizzled like cooking meat before attempting to slip from her bones.

Maevis screamed at the sight before her. She didn't think the steam would peel the flesh from her friend's hands, but that was exactly what she was seeing. The flash steam had cooked and begun to flay Skye to her bones, but the leather was barely beginning to change. It was darkening, but not nearly as fast as either of them had hoped. The process was going to be both excruciatingly painful, and lengthy.