The banquet hall was much quieter than their previous meals. The main voice heard was Karena's as she explained in detail, her traumatic experience. She blustered almost continuously, gaining sympathy from only her admirers. Many of the younger men talked with Marco about his possible future policies. The two that the prince nearly had a confrontation with were to his right side.
Tidas had heard his name several times from their mouths, but Marco would decline to talk about his brother. The final time, he'd looked in Tidas' direction. Letting his littlest brother know that he knew of his eavesdropping. They smiled, raised their glasses, then nodded to each other before taking their respective drinks.
Anyone looking would see brotherly acknowledgment, but Lawrence knew better. He sat next to his father, who was in a very involved discussion with Maevis at the time. The king had glanced about the room on occasion, but was mostly preoccupied with the fairy.