Dinner Time Surprises

"Ima sorry I worried you.. I honestly didn't think it would take that long," Skye could barely breath due to her husband's embrace.

   Tidas pulled away enough to lock eyes with his wife; "Ralph told me most of it, but what happened with the heckler?"

   It hadn't taken long for Skye to explain the situation. Ralph had said most of what his wife was saying now; minus some details. The heckler's animosity seemed to have switched targets from Maevis, to the blacksmith named Sven. Tidas knew of him through his father, Zas, and his men; but had never met the man himself.

   Athena was more familiar to him, due to her dealings with the military. The prince had met her a while back after the plans for her riot gear had been approved. He'd been curious about using steam to power things. He knew the ancients had used it to power ancient machinery like boats and trains before, but had never heard of it being used for weapons.