True Nature

Skye awoke to something heavy hitting her stomach. She shot up in bed, ready to murder whomever had awakened her in such a terrible way. Looking down at her lap, all her anger drained as Zazzy sat wagging her tail. Her wide eyes and human-like smile reflected pure joy and love as she stared at her surrogate mother.

   Peggy was already in the process of readying Skye's things for her shower when she spoke; "I tried to stop her, but as soon as I said it was time to wake ye, she lost it! Stupid lizard; ran into the door in all her excitement too. Ima surprised it didn't wake ye."

   Skye chuckled; "Pretty sure I was dreamin', but I can't remember what about.. Something with clouds, but I don't know. It felt real, but it's not there anymore.. It's odd."

   "Sounds like a standard flyin' dream to me," Peggy replied as she finished gathering the princess' things for the day.