Lost And Found

  Skye and Tidas made their way through the hall quickly to Marie's quarters for their makeup dinner. Magnus hadn't been happy they'd gone to Moonstone Castle for the holidays. In his mind, they could've invited Skye's parents to stay in the palace instead of going out to the country. The princess had to explain her and Peggy's holiday tradition for the king to accept their leaving.

  When the guards opened the door and they entered Marie's quarters, the couple was greeted with enthusiasm. Magnus, Marie, Maevis, and Lawrence were all sitting at the table. The group had stood and approached for their greetings and hugs. Skye clasped her arms around Marie and Magnus, then turned and shook fingers with Maevis. Lawrence held his arms out with a cheeky grin to his sister in law, only to be embraced by his little brother with a bear hug.