Her Determination(Part One)

 "This is stupid! Why do I have to follow her around?" Shasta whispered as she poked her head out from around a corner of the next hall down from Skye's.

 "Because you need to see what she does before you have a right to judge her in any way. Not that you have a right to judge anyone at all," Maevis replied sardonically.


 Shortly after Shasta had slipped the note under Skye's door, she saw Zas in the hallway. They greeted each other and did a bit of small talk before Zas asked her where she was coming from. When she told him, he asked why she didn't just have one of her servants wake her.

 Shasta scoffed; "She has but one old, surly servant that tends to her, and the old bat told me to leave her be. Apparently she and Tidas had a long night, so she was still sleeping.. Laziness. But, she is a princess, after all."

 "Shasta.." Zas said in a strained voice, but Shasta wasn't listening.