Time Skip

 "Ok. We can do this! Right, me scaly bairn?! Now, what's the goal for the day?" Skye asked in an excited, but steady tone.

 Zazzy lightly jumped around as she made little trill noises, and darted her head around. It made getting her custom-made saddle on a bit difficult, but Skye was used to her rambunctious nature. Despite her size, Zazzy was still technically a baby.

 Skye took a step back before she spoke; "Good, lassie! No crashes today! That's the goal! If you can manage that, then I'll have an entire roasted cow for ye when we get back! How does that sound?"

 Zazzy jumped around to the point of putting indents in the ground. She rapidly flapped the tips of her wings, and opened and closed them at the joints. The squeaks and trills of happiness incited a giggle from Skye as she watched.