Tavern Talk

"The day we were meant to fight each other was like an unofficial annual gathering for the masters. Each one brought their three best fighters, then drew lots to see who would fight who first. The lots were random, and there was no redrawing if your own slaves were slated to fight each other. Only one fighter was going to survive anyway.. Alfred and I were scheduled to fight each other in the fifth round, but Tidas showed up right as we were being taken out of our cells.."

 Maevis' expression hardened slightly as she spoke; "What happened to the masters?"

 Shasta smirked; "Some were arrested, but those who fought back were killed by their slaves and Tidas.. He doesn't take kindly to those who abuse their power. He fiercely believes that no one has any right to say they own another person; even when it comes to marriage or regular jobs."