"So what exactly happened between ye three? I'll even settle for ye clarifyin' yer relationship with the king," Skye commented.
Maevis sighed loudly; "I already told you what Tiberius and I were to each other. What more is there to say?"
Skye scoffed at Maevis' attempt at dodging the subject; "How about what Actually happened?! Ye told me how ye met, and that ye two were lovers, but ye haven't said any real details! Ye mentioned him givin' ye a title, right? Why? And why could ye not be his mistress, or something akin to it?"
Maevis narrowed her eyes at Skye; "Could you do that with Tidas?! Could you stand to watch him hold another? Laugh and smile with another openly at his side?! Someone ye once called friend?!"