Summer Games: King of the Hill(Part One)

As the early morning light stung her eyes, Skye stretched lazily in her lonely bed. After they had saved Petrie from Shasta, then saved Petrie and Shasta from Magnus; the couple finally got to retire for the night.

 Skye was all caught up with Shasta's romantic developments, and on Petrie's life and family, but she had wanted to speak with her father. He'd basically stuck to Magnus' side the entire night. Tidas had commented to her that he hadn't seen them that chummy in a long time.

 Petrie told Skye that the king and her father had talked alone for almost an hour before they called him back into the room. He spoke his peace, got his Ambassador Crest, and left. He'd head the yelling; mostly Lucas, oddly enough. 'Who's daft enough to yell at their king?!'

 Her mother had eaten dinner with Marie and Maevis, so even seeing her wasn't possible yet. It bothered Skye much more than she wanted it to.