Obligations and Preparations

 Marie's heart was hammering in her chest. Magnus and Richard had looked extremely similar throughout their lives, much like Lawrence and Tidas. Marco had the signature MacArthur features as well, but the two's personalities made them more similar; just like their father and uncle.

 Magnus stepped forward with building ire as he asked; "You're sure it's him?! You KNOW it is?!"

 Ralph took two more shots, then set the glass down. He needed to give the alcohol time to kick in before he drank more, but drink more, he would. Anything to blank out the past few weeks..

 "Aye, it's him, but.. I remember Richard well, and his face looked similar to the King's. The body was.. It was like a walking corpse was covered in gallons of clumping black paint. It left a trail of the filth like a snail... I have Never smelt something so rank in my life.."