Previous Obligations

 Peggy's cheeks flared red with her embarrassment of getting caught. She stared at the floor as Skye rightly chewed her a new one. Going off about how angry she'd be if their situations were reversed. After about eight solid minutes, Genie put his hand on Skye shoulder, and chided her about being 'stern on the old woman'.

 Peggy went to yell at him with a smile for saying that, but wound up having a coughing fit instead. Skye instantly shooed her back to bed, then made Tidas and Genie help hang clothes. Afterwards, Tidas ordered one of his guards to fetch three servants, so Peggy could instruct them.

 Being smart about it, Tidas had whispered to the guard to make sure and have the head housekeeper send her best. When he took off, Skye chuckled and said; "Shoulda asked for five to cover Peggy's pace properly.."

 Tidas blinked several times; "Are we sure that she's not a Fae? Like some kind of demon-elf hybrid or-"