Earned Respect

 As Petrie walked to the front, Skye released her magic, and went and hugged Zazzy. She was still sniffing and exhaling through her nose, trying to loosen the bullets lodged up there. They didn't hurt once they cooled down, but the smell of gunpowder stung her delicate nose.

 After some baby talk, Skye rung out a few drops of magic to help Zazzy along. The bullets were lodged in an awkward place, but she still managed to get them loose. Zazzy nuzzled her mother as she made her signature happy trill and purr noises, which looked extremely weird to the Highlanders.

 It didn't take long for Petrie to tell his tale. How Drexel's men had ambushed them, killed both the Highlanders and Alconians he was with except for Ralph, then tried to kill them.