Sleeping Arrangements

Ronnie scurried away faster than a rat from a sinking ship. Kari had shot him a glare as he ran off, and Klaus looked up at the ceiling. Apparently, they were guilty of tent-sharing, too...

 Skye laughed at the situation as Amara spoke; "Ye might want ta wave that rule while yer here, at least if ye want everyone ta fit comfortably. Ye can put couples on one level, and singles on another. Since ye have more men than women fighters, I'd put the women and couples on the same side ta conserve space."

Skye looked up at Tidas, who had a contemplative expression on his face; "Oh, come on, husband. Don't ye miss sleepin' next ta me?"

 Tidas huffed in defeat; "Of course I do, but I seriously doubt that I can trust my soldiers to 'just sleep' with their spouses."

 Amara chuckled; "We do grow herbs that can make sure that there'll be no new Alconians made while yer here."