

 After Genie finished explaining the intricacies of each kingdom's gain from the alliances, he looked squarely at Nicolas and Maevis with a distraught expression..

 "You two were right, by the way.."

 "What were they right about? They're never right about anything good," Shasta asked as she walked over to stand by Lawrence.

 Nicolas chuckled; "I suppose you're right about that, at least for the past year or so."

 Maevis and Genie exchanged a look, but Genie seemed unaffected by her glare. She wasn't happy he had brought up what she had asked him to collaborate..

 Zas, Shasta, and Lawrence all sat waiting for the two Pixies to spill it; staring at them. Nicolas sighed heavily and told Maevis just to tell everyone..

 "Everyone gathered here is loyal to Skye and Tidas. You don't need to worry about them telling anyone else.."