Shock And Awe


 Skye wasn't expecting a blade to be aimed at her face, but knew what to do to stop it. She could've handled it in a way that didn't call for blood, but since the man seemed to have an issue with listening to both Amara and his King; Skye thought that dramatic might leave a better impression on him..

 When the dagger was about a foot away from her, Skye put her hand up, and let it go through her palm until the hilt hit her. She didn't flinch, or even break eye contact when the blade had pierced her flesh, which unnerved Mickey greatly.

 The pain didn't bother her since the dagger had gone into her left hand. That was the one that had been smashed to bits by Jacob Fowler, as well as been steam-broiled while making Tidas' armor. There wasn't much that could be done to it that would bother Skye at this point.