
 The way to the 'Hell Fields', as Gavin liked to call them, took a good forty minutes on foot. Amara knew that they were already pushing at the limit that Skye and Tidas could be gone. The other RMC members might start to venture out in search of their Commander and General if they didn't hurry.

 Not seeing another option, Amara stopped at a few random houses, and asked if they could borrow their bikes. It was shocking for two of the three to see their High Councilor going door-to-door asking for anything, but they complied.

 The second house also gave Skye a loaf of bread with jelly to eat after hearing her ask if they had time to grab a snack. Her magic was already running a bit low, and she didn't want to risk running out in the middle of fixing the reactor leak. After thanking the nice people, they moved on to the next house as Skye munched away.