It took several days for Malcolm's trial to be organized. The jury members had to be specially vetted due to Malcolm's position. They had to make sure that he held no sway with or over the friends, family members, or associates connected to each potential juror.
It was tedious, but the benefit was worth it. The amount of people that that failed to pass were proof of Malcolm's reach. Considering how many residential properties he owned, it wasn't surprising that finding jurors that weren't connected to him in some way was hard to accomplish.
While the preparations were being made for the trial, so were others..
Yuletide was just around the corner, and Skye was busy running around like a mad woman with Murdoc. Gathering the items she needed for the gifts for the troops was more difficult that they had planned. Apparently, thanks to Skye: giving a gift basket with targeted goodies was a popular idea.