Evidence To The Contrary(Part Two)


 Murdoc and Tidas led the way down to the RMC bunker with Malcolm, and a goodly portion of Highlanders from the Council Chamber following behind them. Malcolm was walking right behind Tidas in the hallway, and contemplating just killing him right there.

 As Malcolm slowly reached for his dagger, Tidas looked over his shoulder at him..

 An icy chill ran up his spine as he looked into the Alconian Commander's eyes. They were seemingly placid, but death lurked just below. Daring Malcolm to give him a reason to cut his throat. He barely managed to look away, fear had gripped him tightly.

 'Those are the eyes of a killer.. He'll kill me before I even get a chance ta lift me dagger!'

 Unnerved, Malcolm dropped back, and out of sight. He mixed in with the other dignitaries, and made small talk with them while he thought of what his next move should be.