Back In Alcon(Part One)

 Shasta's days had been quite boring since Skye and Tidas had left. She had pitched a fit with Magnus before they'd left, but he had said; "With two of our four strongest already going, the kingdom needs you and Zas to safeguard us.."

 When she kept complaining, he had threatened to cut off her cream again, so she'd reluctantly dropped it. Shasta found it quite unfair that he could use that against her so often, but there wasn't much she could do about it.

 Lawrence had offered to pay for her living expenses, but Shasta had refused. Since they weren't married, he wasn't technically responsible for her yet. The idea of someone taking care of her made Shasta smile, but it also scared her..

 'To have my happiness entirely depend on one person again...I can't do it. I love Lawrence, but I can't give my all to him just yet. So it's not fair for him to do it, either..'