Making It Official

 The amphitheater's viewing capabilities were set up relatively close to how the arena in Alcon was, despite it being smaller. Large monitors hung from the ceiling above the main stage, and massive speakers lined them.

 As everyone took their seats, Murdoc, Skye, Tidas, and Amara walked onto the stage. The podium was in the forefront, then a decent gap lay between it, and a table. Behind that were rows of chairs meant for the Council.

 Since Gavin wasn't a Councilor, his presence wasn't required on the stage. He ast down in the front row, center-position, waved at Amara, then happily watched the show out of the spotlight.

 The other Councilmen followed behind them, then took their places in the seats behind the four. They were the ones who had approved the signing, but they were honestly only there to witness the event; like everyone else.