Jerky And A Mudslide

 Skye had stimulated the grass left at the edge of the clearing into seeding, then forced the life cycle of the seeds to explode. It almost looked like someone was very slowly rolling out a massive grass rug across the blackened ground. As the wave of green spread, Skye stood up, and called out to Tidas to throw a few tree seeds onto the ground.

 Going into her pack, he quickly complied. After about three minutes, the first trees on the land in years started to sprout and grow. The warm fragrance of fresh foliage filled the area, bring giant smiles to all of the Highlanders' faces.

 Skye left the majority of the area grassland, so the Highlanders could use it as a grazing area for cattle or horses. Since the outpost was near the edge of the mountain's plateau, it would be the ideal place to have horses waiting. Especially if the Highlanders wanted to do exploratory expeditions.