Our First Bairn


 Tidas cut Skye off as she tried to run to Zazzy. He understood the urge to go to her, but Amara and the Lieutenant had a chance to live if she went and healed them now. The other Shamans were too busy handling the overflow from the battlefield to get to them, so their lives depended upon her.

 At first, Skye frantically argued. Utter fear reflected in her eyes as she tried to break free from her husband. She was in hysterics, and not thinking clearly due to it. If Skye let them die now, then she'd regret it for the rest of her life..

 Tidas grabbed her by the shoulders, and shook her harshly; "Skye?! Skye! Are you Really just gonna let Amara Die?! Amara?! What about Michael?! What about his sister how's about to marry?! What about Gavin?! Help them First! Then we save Zazzy, okay?!"