The Conscience Of A Dragon(Part Four)

 As Tidas and Skye filled in Murdoc and Amara, Zazzy looked over at the men that had wanted to kill her. The ones that had gathered outside were grouped off, and talking amongst themselves. Wondering if they would all have to be banished.

 They weren't under the Eric and Shane's command, and had all acted on their own accord. The only saving grace they had was the fact that Tidas had kicked their asses before most could make a move. No one seemed angry about the outcome or situation except the two brothers.

 They kept whispering with hostile expressions, making it look like they were either angry, or arguing. As Zazzy strained to listen, she realized that they were talking about her..

 Shane was holding his older brother's shoulder as he spoke intensely; "We can still do this if you back me.. If we switch targets, the future King will still accept us-"