As Long As We’re Together(Part One)


 Maevis and Skye discussed a story passed down from the Undines about their original world. While they chatted, Nicolas and Tidas talked about the Fire Nation. It was a closed continent due to it's raised sea walls. Hardly any moisture passed the ever-rising shelf, making the majority of the continent a desert.

 There were stories and tomes saying that it used to be lush and green. Half of it having trees, then transitioned into a rainforest, then a flat-out jungle the father south one went. The central East had a small desert in the past, but it had expanded and devoured the continent as it rose in elevation.

 Now, there was one kingdom surrounded by never-ending sand and rock, or so it was rumored. The wildlife was limited, but enough to support Nomadic Tribes that basically lived on the backs of horses and camels. They traveled to various oases that had been used by their ancestors.