Only Blood Binds Us(Part Two)


 Tidas stood with his foot jutted out as Marco hit the ground. A massive wave of satisfaction swept over him before another made of worry overtook him. He'd hit his brother much harder than he had planned to, but his anger had made his control slip a tad.

 As he went to extend his hand, Marco put his up, making Tidas stop mid-motion. He checked to make sure that his nose wasn't broken, then got up onto his feet with a placid expression. After brushing off some non-existent dust, he reached for the door handle.

 Sheri was standing right outside of the door, waiting to come in at Marco's command. When he opened the door, her eyes jumped from one brother to the other. As she waited for orders that she didn't really want to follow, Marco glanced to her side..

 "Cloak the room. It seems that my little brother wants to challenge me."