Banquet Of Sycophants(Part Three)

 "Do you know who I am?! I Demand that she apologize to me in front of everyone Now! A lowly servant like her should know her place!" the man yelled, grabbing the full attention of everyone around them.

 Murdoc stared at the short, portly man with a raised eyebrow as he tried to keep his temper in check. The lord was obviously a high-ranking noble in Alcon, but Amara was still far more prominent..

 After taking a deep breath, Murdoc grinned broadly as he replied; "Ya seem ta be misunderstandin' somethin' here.. Amara be not only the Head of our Council in the Highlands, but I'd bet a month's worth of whiskey that she can trace her linage back Much further than yers.. How about ya apologize ta her fer grabbin' her arse, and we get on wit havin' a good time instead?"

 The lord's face was bright-red with rage as he screamed; "How Dare You! I am Lord Charles Daniels! My family has served the MacArthurs for six generations!-"