Easily Distracted

 Skye listened to Shasta's horror stories about dealing with Karena as they made their way towards the front courtyard. Shasta wanted to stop and change in her and Lawrence's quarters, but Skye had a quicker solution in mind. Quickly and quietly pulling Shasta into an empty closet, Skye grabbed a raggedy towel from the shelf..

 "What are you doing?! You can't clean blood out with a rag!" Shasta bellowed.

 Skye huffed in annoyance as she focused her Earth magic, and testily replied; "Will ye stop yer yowlin'?! Ima fixin' yer dress so we dinna gotta waste time back trackin'. Trust me, I got this!"

 Shasta growled in a low voice as she bent her ears back in dismay; "Fine! But if it looks like shit, I'm heading back to change.."

 Skye nodded her understanding, then asked; "Do ya still want a dress on, or do ya want me ta change it into a dress-pantsuit hybrid?"