Overbearing Vs. Overpowered


 "What kind of cheap, low caliber material is this?! It's one step up from burlap! What happened to the fabrics I ordered?! Why aren't you using them?!" Karena screamed as she pushed passed Klaus.

 The four women had literally rolled their eyes as soon as they heard her voice. Skye was expecting her to come and say something, but she didn't think that she'd march down to her quarters as soon as she saw the materials.. 'Does she have nothin' else ta do but complain? Probably came now cause Shasta's wit me. I think she kens not ta risk pissin' Lawrence off again..'

 As Shasta stood up with a low growl, Skye stepped between her and Karena; "Shasta didna want a red weddin' dress. That's somethin' You would pick, not her. She likes yellows and oranges, not reds and purples, and I have No doubt that she made that perfectly clear to ya before ye bought them."