Old Connections And New Problems(Part Two)

"I did have ta heal me self afterwards, but it wasna bad. Just some perforated organs and such, but those are easy ta fix when it comes ta healin' me self. Other than that, I was fine," Skye replied as she looked at Nicolas fluttering in front of her.

 Tidas grimaced; "You never told me that you got hurt from healing the ground.."

 Skye looked at her husband with a nervous expression; "It really wasna a problem, love. I was fine! If it woulda hurt bad, you would've heard about it."

 Tidas wasn't buying her excuse; "I remember you asking for jerky afterwards, but you never said anything about getting injured. I knew that the amount of magic you were using didn't add up, and you were healing yourself on top of it?! How are you not dead?!"

 Maevis sighed; "Because she is the Catalyst, dear lad. That amount of power isn't even a drop in the ocean compared to what she'll eventually be wielding.."