Dance Of The Shields(Part Two)

 Murdoc's vision was blurred, but he could never mistake Skye's smell and warmth. He thought that he was having the most vivid dream of his life when he'd finally focused, and saw her above him with a relieved smile. Right as he mumbled and reached up for her cheek, Skye's expression deflated..

 When she pushed his head from her lap and got up, the slight drop jarred Murdoc awake. Skye's Shaman trait astounded him every time she used it, especially when it came to delicate places like the head. He didn't understand it all, but he admired the knowledge, time, and skill that Skye had to have to be so capable.

 As the crowds whispered amongst themselves about the connection between the Highlander King and Princess Skye, Tidas helped him up. When he was on his feet, Murdoc went to thank the prince for the hand, but saw him staring at his wife. It wasn't unusual for him, but the look on Skye's face was almost scary.